Chapter fourteen-"The sorrow"

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  I sat in the Rv with Carol on the other side of the table"Im so sorry"I say shaking my head tears in my eyes"I had not right to do what I did"I sniffed and she looked at me as I sat at the window"You help put that thing down don't be sorry"Thing....Thing that's her little girl

  When the door opened I looked up and saw Daryl who was looking at Carol he then Glanced at me I gave him a small smile a tear slipping from my eye He sighed and put his gun on the counter and sat down on the counter

   He yet again gave me that look the look that sad are you okay I shook my head no slowly me and Daryl just stared at eachother for the longest time him holding his gun when we heard a Nock we looked at the door showing Lori"There ready"I sighed and nodded

   I got up from my spot and stopped looking down at Carol who just shook her head"Come on"Lori teyed getting her to go"Why?"Carol asked looking down"Cause that's your little girl"I looked at Daryl who slightly touched my hand with his to help me but not show it fully"Thats not my little girl thats some other thing"

  How how could se think that way..."My Sophia was alone in the woods all this time she wasn't lost not like not like Alexxa was when you were searching for her"I looked down I knew she was greving but why did everyone have to bring up her"All this time I thought she didn't cry herself to sleep Zhe didn't go hungry"

  I was trying not to sob This wasn't my time to shine...wasn't my moment I had no right to cry"She didn't try to find her way back"At least she knows what happened to her little girl I dont...she should go to this funeral maybe it will help her heal

"My Sophia died a long Time ago"Lori stepped back and out of the Rv while I just sniffed as Daryl got up he almost look back with a mix of sadness"Ya comin"I looked up at him shaking my head"Ive cryed Enough today ima ima stay with carol"I say sitting back down in my spot

  I was so shocked when he grabbed my hand holding it for a second"Im sorry about your mom your step bro"I smiled and nodded He let go of my hand and walked out I already miss his touch"Take me to the pound"Carol asked looking up and me"Okay"I said noding

  I didn't know how she knew about the pound but we walked up to it a bent down next to a Cherokee rose"Daryl brought you here"I sais with a soft smile"He called me a bitch being mad about something"She sais shaking her head

  "I told him I didn't think we would find her"She said with a sniff"He took me here ans I told him we would"I couldn't help but wonder if this was the same day he called me a Bitch I watched as she picked a peddle of the floor and looked at it before she threw it and started sobbing
  She tore apart the flower bush once she was done I sat don't next to her"When I lost Alexxa when I realized what I did sending her away when I lost the chance to love her I was a mess"I say shaking my head"Now she's dead in this world"I say looking up

  "I'm sorry I mentioned her early"She sobbed out I nodded and leaned into her"My husband beat us up intell he died and...."Carol started holding into me just as tight"The day we lost him he beat Sophia I couldn't do nothing to stop it"I looked up at Carol with pitty"Im so sorry"I say shaking my head

  "She lived her life in fear"Carol sobbed"Her whole life"I started rubbing carols back as we were now hugging eachother

  I stood in the kitchen with Beth While Glenn and Maggie talked I helped but some dishes away and noticed Beth was looking really off"Bethy honey are you Ok-"Before I said anything else she fell to thr ground"BETH"I ran up to her side

  Glenn and Maggie ran into the room"What happened!"Maggie said fear in her face"S-she just feel"I stuttered out"Go find Daddy we got it"Magie sais as Glenn picked Beth up I ran out of the house"LORI LORI HAVE YOU SEEN MY DAD"I said with fear"Why what's wrong"She asked holding my shoulders

"Beth she fell we need or dad"She nodded"Ill go look"I ran back up into the house ware Beth was laying in her bed"How is she"I asked breathing heavily"She won't talk to me"I can't lose Beth"I say shaking my head

  "Shhh"Maggie said stepping to me and hugging me tightly"Shhhh"Maggie rubbed my back as I sobbed"You can think like that"I nodded and walked up to Beth"Bethy can you here me"I whispered rubbing her face I looked up to see Lori walk In

  "What's wrong with her"Maggie asked her hand on my shoulder"She might be in shock I couldn't find Hershal"I started to sob"We can't find um anywhere"I looked up at Glenn who was on the other side of the room how did I not notice him  before"Go go help find him ill stay with her"I said looking up and Maggie and Glenn

  They all nodded and walked out"Wares my Happy Bethy huh I need her"I whispered to her holding her hand"If ya leave me I'll be full of sorrow"I say trying to get her to move her eyes I layed down next to her snuggling into her"Im right here Bethy"That name I gave it to her when she was little and I geuss it just stuck

  I sighed and closed my eyes intell I heard someone walk in I opened my eyes to see Maggie"Wares Glenn"I asked looking for him behind her"They think did went to the barn we found his flask out"I say uo in shock"The one in town"She nodded and sat on the bed

  "Glenn went with him and I told him I loved him"I smiled and nodded"What he say"I asked making her look down"He said nothing just walked away"I sighed and shook my head stupid boy"Give him some time he seems like a guy who dosant know what that feels like"She sighed

  "He just looked so I dont know"I smiled at her and held he hand"Maggie I know he likes you alot you can see it in his eyss just wait and see what he says when he comes back"She looked down and played with her fingers"If"she corrected"No I mean when"I say sternly

  "How she feeling"Patricia asked walking in"I don't know"I said getting off thr bed letting Maggie have her spot I watch as Patricia started checking her vitals that was really all she can do Jimmy was looking down at his wife I can't believe those to are married

  My bethy and Jimmy"Shes got a fever"I looked down at her my hands starting to shake"I-Ill be right back"I say walking out if the room and out of the house I was heading to Daryls camp he decided he wanted to be far away from everyone even me....."You want those to Idiots have a nice ride"I heard Daryl shout as I got up to his camp

  I saw him talking to Lori"Daryl what's going on"I asked as he glared st me"Nothing I'm just dome looking foe people"He said sitting down"Lori"I asked making sure she was okay she put her hand up and started walking away"What was that about"I asked crouching in front of him and grabing his knees

  "GOD THE WHOLE POINT OF ME COMIN OUT HERE WAS TO GET AWAY FROM EVERYONE"He said counting to cut a stick he was working on"E-Even me"I stuttered looking down"Even you"I stood up and nodded at his words"What about what happened the other day"I ask shaking my head

  "It was nothin ans it shouldn't have happened fucking Bitch"At this point I was fighting back tears"O-Okay"I say shaking my head"Im go get my dad on my own"I walked away once I was out of sight I started running after Lori"Im going with you"I say running up to her"What"She act Counfusd

  "I saw the look on your face when he said go fetch um yourself"She looked at me Counfusd"We need my dad for Beth if your going I'm going"She sight and nodded

  We walked out of the house I had my sword and Lori had a gun"Lets make this fast"I say walking to the car and getting in the passenger seats it didn't take us long to enter the road to town"Can ya hand Me that map"I nodded and handed it to her"

  Even though I knew ware to go she didn't care she wanted to  this herself she looked down at the map and I looked down to I didn't want her to go alone she pregnant I had to go when I heard Lori gasp I looked up and leaned back into the seat when she hit a walker

  "LORI"I yelled as she started surving the glass broken when I felt the car flip I gasped hitting my head on the side window  I thought back to Daryl would he even thing I know everything went back
Dun dun dun wonder what gonna happen to Athena and Daryls relationship I've got bug planes for thr next few chapters so get ready!!!!!

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