chapter seventeen-"Mrs suicide Bethy"

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Hey guys so if anyone had seen the walking dead and has tryed to do this to themselves I'm so sorry this is the warning of sore subjects like suicide and if anyone who's been through that again I'm so sorry

I sat with Maggie in the kitchen"Ima beat his ass"Maggie said angry"So will I"Glenn said walking in "I don't know should we tell Rick"Maggie asked looking down at me"No I Told Daryl to keep it hidden"She sighed and looked down

"Ricks heading into town to take Randle to a place that will keep him goin"Glenn said looking at me"Hell be gone probably all day"I bit my lip and looked down noticing an awkward silince"What up with you to"I asked looking at Glenn then Maggie"N-Nothing"Glenn said walking out

I looked over and Maggie who was looking down"Maggie"I asked looking at her Counfusd"He blames me for him freezing when he was being shot at"I sighed and shook my head"Ive said this before but give him time Maggs he's slow"She nodded wiping a tear

"And besides that Daddy didn't even care he left and I ended up crying in front of him"I gave her a soft smile"It wasn't far that he left when we Need him the most"I sighed and grabed her hand"At least Beth is able to move now with Daddys help"she nodded wiping a tear from her eye

"Hey girls have yall checked on Beth"I looked up and looked at Lori"No ill go see if she had eaten anything"I said standing up she nodded with a smile while I walked up the steps pain shot threw my bottom Aria witch had me grab the wall

"Damn him"I say angry counting to climb the steps I got to the room and nocked on the door"Hey Bethy"I said walking in I looked down at her plate showing it hasn't been touched"Bethy you haven't Eaten a thing"I noticed She was crying making me sigh

I walked up to her and croched down"Hey Bethy I know how hard it is we lost um to We feel the same as we all we need to do is be together in this-"She cut me off"This is so pointless"Shes...oh God I hate this her saying that"Oh honey you have me and you have Maggie our daddy and Patricia and you have Jimmy"

I watched as tears fell from her eyes"You have to stay strong Bethy stay strong for us"I looked down tears starting to form in my eyes"I wish I could promise you it would be all right in the end"I said shaking my head"I cant"But damn did I wish i could tell her that"We can make now all right and we have to baby"

She looked over at me making me smile"Thank you"She said making me nod with a soft smile I stood up and looked down at her"What are sister for Bethy"I leaned down and kissed her head"Ill be right back then we can take a walk"I smiled and grabed the tray of food

I walked into the kitchen and placed down the tray that I mad ever the way she was talking made it seem like she didn't want to be here and I hated that I hated it it hurt me to see my once happy sister crying 24/7 I took the tea I made her and put it to the side and picked up thr fork

I paused slightly I felt like something was missing something I put on the tray I gasped when I realized how she was talking and damn was I pissed she took the knife to do fucking harm to herself I slammed the fork foen and started running up thr stairs

I pushed open the door"BETH YOU GIVE ME THAT DAMN KNIFE"I yelled angry I didn't want to yell but I was pissed off"You give it to me sweetheart"I said softly this time her back was facing me"you don't wanna do this do you realize how hurt Maggie daddy and I would be"

She moved the blankets away from her slightly and without looking up she handed me the knife I grabed it with shaky hands I need to find our dad I ran downstairs to see no Glenn or Maggie or even my dad"Fuck"I slammed down the knife and busted out of the house

I ran as fast as I could running up to The Rv"ANDREA"I said with fear as she held the rifle"HAVE YOU SEEN MY DAD OR MAGGIE"i asked with fear I didn't want to be away from Beth for to long"I haven't seen Hershal but I saw Maggie and Glenn walking by maybe 20 minutes ago"

I shook my head nodded"Coukd you find her for me I've gotta get back to the house"I say with fear"Of course"She said looking vary Counfusd I sighed and nodded and started running back towards the house I got into the kitchen and started walking back and forth fear in my body

My sister wanted to hurt herself she wanted to leave us....I jumped when the door opened"Hey What's goin on"Maggie asked looking at me Counfusd"Andrea said you looked scared"I nodded pointing the the stairs"Beth wants to hurt herself"I say shaking my head"I went up to see if she had eaten she hadn't"I said telling the story

"When I came back down here with the tray the knife I had put on the tray was gone and I went back up to her and she had it hidden in the blanket"Maggie looked just as mad as I had I watch as Maggie started running uo the stared and I followed her"Give me a minute"Maggie said angry I sighed and wlakwd back down stairs

I saw Lori and Andrea in the kitchen"M-My sister"I started to sob Lori hugged me as tight as she cpukd"Shhh your okay"She whispered we pulled away hearing yelling from upstairs"Wheres Hershal"Andrea asked as she leaned on the counter"He dosan't want to find out yet"Lori said now sitting on the edge of the sink

She took a cucumber and ate it"It's a family affair you let them work it out"Lori said noding at me"Thats working it out"I rolled my eyes"Hey stay out of it Andrea"I say angry witch had her shrug"When Beth stops fighting this when it's time to worry"I chuckled and nodded"Yeah no kidding"I say smiling foe once

I heard Maggie scream once more wit had me looked down"YOU ARE BEING SO SELFISH"I heard Maggie yell I mean she was she would leave us make us feel heart so she wouldn't have to deal with the world anymore"This could've been handled better"God I don't need her commentary

"How so"Lori asked getting off the sink"Thena shouldn't have Taken the knife away"I stopped what I was doing and turned to look at her"What did you just say to me"I asked raising my eye brow"You were wrong"I know she did not just say I was wrong for taking a knife away from my sister who was trying to hurt herself

"Like Dale taking my gun that wasn't your decision"Oh so I see she wanted to kill herself to at one point"she has to choose to live on her own"I glared at her putting my hands into fists I sware ima hit her again"she has to find her own reasons"

I scoffed"AND WERE NOT ENOUGH WERE NOT A GOOD REASON YOU WANT ME TO TO TIE A NOOSE FOR HER"I yell trying so hard not to hit her again"If she's serious she'll figure out a way"And ima figure out a way to make sure nobody stops me from punching her"Dosant mean she can't stop her"Lori said cleaning uo the kitchen

"Or let her know Thena cares"That was the first thing she said that achully made me like her"That has nothing to do with it Lori she only has so many choices in front of her and she believes suicides the best one"I glared at her one last time before running out of the house if I didn't I would have killed her

Telling me letting my sister commit suicide is a good thing oh he'll nah I just keep walking I keep walking right into Daryl camp"Whoa what's got ya so riled up"Daryl asked standing up"ANDREA SAID IT WAS OKAY FOR MY SISTER TO WANT TO KILL HERSELF"i yelled walking back and forth"SAID I SHOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN THE KNIFE AWAY"

Daryl sighed and walked up to me"Thena calm down"I looked at him"DID YOU JUST TELL ME TO CALM DOWN YOU NEVER EVER SAY THAT TO A GIRL"He looked down and grabed my hips witch had me stop"Thena it's okay"I shook my head"She want to leave us...."I sobbed leaning into him

He hugger me as I sobbed"Shell realize that your to importent to leave thena"I smiled softly into him"Thank you"I cryed again as he rubbed his hand along my back softly"Your the only one who I would let back her without yelling at um"I smiled and pulled away"Thank you"I said leaning up and kissing him

He put his one hand on me cheek keeping the other hand on my waist I can't believe after everything that has happened that we found eachother again that we came all this way it must mean that we were really meant to be together al along"I have to get back to the house"I say pulling away from the soft kiss

"Go see your sister Ill be around"Daryl said walking back up to an old fire place that had been on the farm and sat down I smiled and started walking back to the house touching my lips as I did so I wiped tears away and entered the house After a mile of walking why he decided to make his camp so far I don't know

Wow a shit tone has happened!!! Pore Bethy I lost someone two and thought about doing that but I realized un like her that I had to stay for the people who care for me that was a long time ago though!!!!!

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