Chapter Three-"Otis ain't coming home"

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It didn't take us long to ride up to the house dad and Rick were on the porch Lori didn't take her hands of my sides tell I pulled the horse to a stop as she jumped off the horse she started crying as Rick ran to her hugging her

Maggie came running out seconds latter as I hoped down and led the horse to the stables her walking with me"Whats wrong"she asked how did she know something was wrong"what"I asked looking at her"Nothing!"I didn't really want to tell her

"Athena Greene tell me why you have tears on your eyes"Was I crying I didn't even realize"The group they were talking about"I said put the horse in its stale ans un sattlng it"D-Daryl was in there group Maggie"He face turned into shock"What did he say"She asked

I shook my head"Nothing but you can't get on that horse"I looked down and threw the sattle over the fence lining it up with it"I didn't stay pong enough for him to get another word in"She nodded and hugged me tight"If he says one disrespectful thing to you I'll kick his ass"

I chuckled at her"Well there was a boy there around your age"I say with a smirk"and get this he's Korean"She blushed slightly she had a thing for Koreans never new why but she did"Did you get his name"I shook my head no"Nah like I said didn't stay long enough"

She hummed"Does Daryl know you Don't have Alexxa no more"I bit my lip and looked down"no he dosant know because he didn't keep in contact"She grabed the horse from me"Well like I said he's stupid for leaving you"I chuckled at her"Im just glad he didn't meet my hole family your the only one he had meet"

She sighed and looked down"I wish you would have took my advice"I nodded slowly"I wish I did two your right he was a redneck asshole"we both started chuckling are ass off"you go on in ill take care of the horse"I nodded and looked and Zippy"Thanks Maggs"She nodded

That's why I love Maggie she lightens up my day I walked away from her and started walking to the house I can't believe I seen Daryl what do I do I'll try to avoid him that's a start

I sat on the porch with Maggie when I noticed a car pulling up and I froze"Hey maybe its not him"She said making me nod and look down as the car pulled up to the house and two men got out

"It's not him but it's your Korean"She smiled softly as they got to the porch Looking down at the blood that was still on it"so do we ring the bell I mean it looks like people live here"I was holding in a lauph at the Korean boy

He seemed like a good person just from saying that"werr past this kind of stuff aren't we having to be considerate"A black man said who was next to him I nudged Maggie's arm lightly as they started up they steps"Did you close the gate up the road when you drove in"She asked I wanted to lauoh so bad

"Uh hi yes, We closed it"the boy pointing to the black man"Did the latch and everything"She leaned down and leaned on her knees I popped my head out so they seen me"Hello nice to see you again"He said looking at me I smiled and nodded

"Nice to see you again to"I said with a chuckle"we meet before briefly He explained looking at Maggie"look we came to help there anything we can do"I looked down at his arm witch had a napkin and tap on his arm We both stood up When he grunted in pain and looked at it

"It's not a bite"I sighed I was thankful we didn't have to deal with something else"I uh cut myself pretty bad though"I nodded and stepped closer to them Maggie doing the same"Well have it looked at"She said I was a smiling mess at this point"Come on in ill stich that"I said looking down at it

"We have some painkillers and antibiotics"The Korean boy said digging in his bag and pulling a bottle out"I already gave him some if Carl needs any"I gave him a big smile"come on in ill make you something to eat"Maggie said smiling she held the door opened and we pilled into the room"Im Glenn by the way this is T-dog"I smiled at them both

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