Chapter forty-One"Merle Fucking Dixon"

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  We got Glenn and Maggie out we were hiding in a building we ran into Glenn was pretty beat up and had no shirt on Maggie had his shirt on witch made me wonder what the he'll happened I sat next to Glenn my hand on his shoulder

  "Glenn look at what they did to you"I cryed slightly Glenn grunted as he moved"I-Im fine in fine"He nodded holding my arm"Aint no way out back here"Daryl said coming back uo to us"Rick how did you find us"Maggie asked holding Glenn I got up  and looked down at Glen"How bad are you hurt"Rick asked

"I'll be all right"Glenns eye was swollen bruses all around his face"Wares that woman"Maggie asksd I looked back at the door shit Michonne"She was right behind us"Rick said looking out the window"Maybe she was spotted"Oascr said looking at ys

"Want me to go look for her"I shook  my head with fear "No no way"Daryl looked at me for a second"No we gotta get them out of here"Rick said Daryl nodde"Shes on her own"I  looked over at a desk and saw a jacket"Here"I said grabing it and handing it to Maggie"Thanks"She said putting the jacket on Glenn

  "Daryl this was Merle"Brother ot not ima beat his ass Daryl looked down at Glenn pacing bsck and forth"It was he did this"I looked up at Daryl who had a look I've never seen him have before"You saw him"Rick asked I walked towards the window and looked out for a second Before I walked back to Glenn

   "Face to face threw a walker at me he was gonna execute us"I looked up at Daryl full of fear his brother changes him....I don't know what it hid but it changes him"s-so my brother this governor"Daryl asked walking up to us I bit my lip as I looked up at him"no it's somebody else"Maggie said looking down at Glenn

  "Your brother's his lieutenant or something"Maggie looked back up at Daryl"Does he know I'm still with you"Maggie nodded as Daryl looked down at him"He does now Rick I'm sorry we told him where the prison was we couldn'thold out "My eyes go wide everyone else at the prison is gonna need help

  Rickeaned down towards Glenn"Dont no need to apologize"Rick walked back up to another window"There gonna be looking for us"Rick nodded as I croched back down by Glenn"we have to get back can you walk?"Rick asked"we got a car a couple miles out"I say looking down at him"Im good"I helped Glenn up with Maggie

  "Hey if Merles around I need to seem him"I froze slightly shaking my head As Daryl and Rick stood by the window"Not now we're in hostel territory Daryl shook his head"Hes my brother I Ain't-"Rick cut him off "Look at what he did! Look we gotta we gotta get out of her now"I knew what that feeling was was the fear I was gonna lose Daryl

  "Maybe I can talk to him maybe I can work something out"I looked down my eyes starting to watering no no your not thinking straight"Rick looked back at us as Glenn's arm was around my shoulders"Look no matter what they say they're hurt Glenn can barely walk how are we gonna make it out"

   Daryl glanced at me for a second and I just looked away from him"If we get overrunning by walkers and this Governor catches up to us? I need you"Rick said looking into Daryls eyes"Are you with me"I licked my lips as Daryl said nothing"Daryl please..."I begged looking at him he looked down at me"Are you with me"Rick asked again

   "Yeah"Daryl said noding looking away from me to him we stood by the door ready to run out as Daryl croches down and gets the smoke bombs from the bag and pulls them"On three sta tight"I held my gun closer to me"One"Rick said putting his hand on the door nob"Two Three"Rick opened the door and Daryl threw the smoke bombs out

  We waited tell it was full of smoke"Lets Go!"Rick yelled and we started running towards the wall"There they are"One of them spots them I fired my gun hiting a guy down I can't believe I just killed someone....that was the first person I have ever killed

  We ran down the street firing  me and Maggie stayed together we got closer to the gate now"Behind you!"Daryl yelled I looked behind me and gasped as he shot the guy that almost shot me I ran up to Daryl"Thanks"I say breathing heavy"Go! Get Cover!"Rick yelled We looked at him"In there! GO! Go!"We ran to a closed in aira that went into a building

   Daryl stood outside of it for a second shooting before he croched down next to me"How many?"Rick yelled"I didn't see"I shook my head my hand shaking"Dont matter there's gonna be more of them we need to move"Daryl said as I sat by Glenn"You good"I asked looking at him Glenn nodded

  "Any grenades left?"Rick asked as Daryl went threw the bag Daryl nodded"Get em ready we gotta gun into the wall"I stood up slightly as"You guys go head ima lay down some cover fire"I shook my head no"Daryl no"I said my voice shaky"Shes right we gotta stick together"Maggie said gun in her hand

  "Too hairy I'll be right behind you"I grabed Daryls arm"No!"I said shaking my head"Ill be okay"Daryl leaned into me and kissed me for a second before he stood up "Ready?"He questioned Rick nodded I don't like this at all....He threw the smoke bombs we starter to run towards the wall ad got in between two busses by them(Okay but why does Daryl look so hot holding a gun!)

   Oscar started to climb the bus while I keep looking back at Daryl Oacar grabed Glenn's hand and lifted him up I was next I held my hand out to him and he lifted me up I stood next to Glenn as we here gunfire everywhere when I heard one mire gunshot I went flying on the bus"Ow son of a bitch"I cryed holding my shoulder

  "ATHENA"Glenn yelled when another gunshot went off we sae Oscar fall to the ground"NO!"I yelled shaking my head Maggie got on the bus and held my shoulder"RICK"She yelled looking down at me with fire"Ow that hurts"I say as she pushes on it"RICK THENAS BEEN HIT"she yelled

  "MAGGIE"Glenn yelled next to me"RICK SHES BEEN SHOT WE GOTTA GO"Maggie helped me over the wall as I held my shoulder Things were starting to get blerry though"DARYL"I heard Rick yell as me Glenn and Maggie were over the wall"Go! Get Thena out of here!"I heard Daryl yell back

  "I don't feel good"I say to Maggie on the ground looking up at her"Thena stay with me"I shook my head the pain was to much"Is she okay"Rick said running over to us"She hit Rick"Rick looked down at me and tapped my face slightly to get Mr to wake up a little bit"You gotta stay awake"I shook my head once again as my eyes started Closeing "D-Daryl"I stuttered out before my eyes finally closed


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