chapter Fifteen-"Athena and Lori

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  I woke woke up the the sound of Something Banging on Glass"Ow shit"I said sitting up and looking down at my rist"Damn I think I broke it"I said when a bang came from the window I gasped and jumped back seeing a walker

  That's when I realized Lori fast asleep"Lori"I said shaking her my body was slumped down witch ment I was probably gonna fall when u un buckled"LORI"I said shaking her once again I watched as her eyes fluttered open but she soon started to scream seeing the walker

  "Are you okay is the baby okay"I said with fear she looked at me"Glenn told you"I nodded slowly"What ya expect the boy cant keep a secret"we stopped talking when the walker face made its way threw the glass"LORI"I screamed trying to get out of the seat belt
   "Ima need you to hold onto me can you do that"I asked looking at her she nodded ad she held onto my sides I held one hand to the open window that was on my side"Can yiu use one hand to un buckle me"I asked she looked st me Counfusd"I think i broke my hand"She gasped but nodded and un buckled me witch had me falling slightly but she  caught me

  "You stay there"I say climbing out of the window with my wand hand using my Elbow to climb out the window when I was on solid ground I stumbled slightly I can't be weak not now I pulled my sword out from my back looking it over it was fine

  I ran up to the front car and when I saw the walker grabing  lori hair i stabed the walker that was trying to get inand it went limp I pulled it away from the window and o to the ground"Are you okay"I asked looking into the whole of the glass she nodded

  I walkwd over to my window and reached my free hand into it Zhe grabed it and I pulled her out she stumbled slightly"Your head"She sais now on solid ground I must of hit it"I don't care about me I care more about you"Her faced turned with fear once more"BEHIND YOU"

  I turner around just in time for the thing to Nock me down I had to drop my sword because I was only one handed at the moment"IMA KILL YA STUPID WALKER"I yelled trying to get it off me


I watched as the walkers goes limp and Lori was pushing it off Me Gun in her hand"Are you okay"I nodded slowly as she helped me up I heard thunder just as I got up"We have to go back"I say pointing the detection of the farm"I can't leave without Rick"I sighed and looked down

  "And I cant leave without Dad let's get going"I say grabing her arm and walking the detection of town"Hold on"She said turning back and picking up my sword"Thanks"I said with a smile I would have forgotten it otherwise we started to walk once again


  I sat around my camp fire making the flames go high by pushing a stick into it I wanted be left alone I loved Athena I always wil be sooner or latter I'll have to be the one trying to find her because she's lot or dead

  I'm not going through that the heart in her eyes when I said the other day didn't mater I hated seeing her like that but It's better on us both pushing people away Is all I got now the other day it wasn't nothing it ment the world to me but now it's gone and I can't stop thinking about it

  "We can't find Athena or lori"I rolled my eyes at Carol as she runs up to me"And the others aren't back yet Either"I nodded making the flames go even higher"Yeah Those Dumb Bitches must've gone off looking for em"I hated saying that I hated Calling Athena that But I had to but up a block

  "What"I heard Carol say"Yeah she asked me to go and Athena told me she gonna go look for her dad I told her I was done being an Earrend boy"I heard Carol breathing heavily"And you didn't say anything"I looked down into the fire not saying anything to her

  I saw from the corner of my eye that she walked away witch had me sigh and look into the fire got I wanted to find that damn girl and she was there under our noises"Dont do this"I rolled my eyes at Carol once again why does she keep coming back god

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