Chapter forty-"Crazy man"

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we parked a couple miles away from the town we didn't want to be to close to it we all got out of the car I and I grabed my gun in the seat next to me ans got out I walked to the back with Daryl and Oscar Daryl grabed my bag ans handed it back to me so I threw the bag on

The woman name was Michonne and she had her sword on her back"They have patrols were better on foot"Michonne said as I held my gun adjusting my grip"How far"Tick asked"Yeah we need to know nights comin"I say looking around"Its a mile maybe two"Thats not bad

A walker Growling had me look to the back if us a walker was making its way two us"You stay close to me you got it"Daryl said putting his bag on I raised my eye and looked up at him"I can take care of myself"He nodded and bent down picking up his crossbow"I know you can But I would feel better if you stayed close"I licked my lips and nodded

"Alright"I said nodding as Rick grabed his gun put I also had my sword in its holster and a kife on my hip a pistol on my other hip Daryl shut the back of the car once Rick was done in there and we started to walk inro the woods"There gona be fine"Daryl said as I walked next to him"I just have this bad feeling im gonna lose someone"I say stepping over a log

"You won't not today"I looked up at him"How do you possibly know that Daryl"I said wirh a sigh and looked down"Because were gonna do what we can"Rick said looking back at Me"This is your sister and Glenn its different for you I know"He said nodding"But you gotta have hope"Was it bad that I didn't...

"Ricks Right"I looked back over to Daryl then back down I shruged"were gonna do are best"I didn't answer him and just keep walking I have never felt so much fear I was hoping they were still alive when we get there...if there not I'm gonna brake down....I wasn't watching my step and fell to the ground

"Thena you gotta get your head clear"Rick said as Daryl helped me up"Thats gonna leave my eye brused"I looked down at the rock I had hit from falling"you good"Daryl asked my eye was stinging I nodded and started watching ware I was walking"We gonna be fine no matter what"I sighed and nodded we started walking down through clear path it was like a dirt road

"You know what you did for me"Rick said next to Daryl while I was on Daryls other side"For my baby while I was...."He paused for a second while we walked"Working things out thank you"I smiled slightly and looked down at the ground"Its what we do"Daryl s right this is what we do we protect are own when I heard Growling I started to croched

"Rick"Daryk said doing the same"Down"Rick yelled quietly we all got to the ground I held my gun tighter a huge herd of walkers appeared from the Trees I looked up at Daryl with fear what did we do from here Daryl stepped closer to me slowly"Get in formation no gun fire""I nodded and put my gun around my shoulders and grabed my sword

One was coming at me so I swinged my body and chopped its head off"Oascr"Ricl sais Oascr went up and killed one as we started to back up"Theres to many of them"Daryl said I looked behind us and tapped Rick should I pointed at the Walker as he looked back Rick stabed a close one

"This way"Rick said as we started to run away from the herd of walkers we ran Into the woods and we cane a cross a cabin"In there"Rick sais pointing at it"Come on"I said trying to get them to run faster Rick busted through the door and croched down"Get the door"Rick said making Michonne close it"Keep it down"Rick sais on the floor"Keep it down"he represents

I all of a sudden smelt something horrible like something had died I reached my hand to cover my mouth and noise"What is thst nasty ass smell"I said covering my noise"The smell is loud"Daryl said also covering his noise"Something died"I say shaking my head in discused

We walked into the cabin futher it was vary small when we came across a dead animal"What the he'll is that"Oscar asked as Rick shined his flashlight at it"Its gotta be a fix"Daryl said shaking his head"Yeah or what's left of one"I said Daryl looked down at the dog"Guess lessie went home"

I shook my head at Daryls comment I jumled slightly when I heard a bang at the door the walkers had caught up to us banging on the door I looked towards the bed that had a lump on it I looked back at Rick"Pst"I said pointing to the bed Daryl bent down against his knife in hand

Rick made his way next to me as he reached for the bed I started breathing heavily the closer he got to the blanket when Rick pulled the blanket off we all jumped back as a person sat up in the bed"Ah! Who the he'll are you?"He said getting up from the bed holding a gun

"We don't mean harm"Rick said putting his hands out as I held my gun tighter in my hands"GET OUTTA MY HOUSE!"I looked back at the door with fear"Okay, okay, okay"Rick said over again croching down futher"We will but we can't right now"I slowly walker closer to Daryl trying to not draw attention to me

"NOW!"The guy yelled as u now hid behind Daryl"Shut him up"Michonne whispered as the walkers started banging harder on the door"Get out right now!"I was slightly shaking as I held my gun towards him ready to fire"There are walkers outside"He went quite for a minute fear coursing threw him

"I'll call the cops!"Yup this guy has lost it"I am a cop"maybe this would work"Now I need you to lower the gun"I licked my lips as Rick lowered himself down"Dont do anything rash"Rick said dropping his weapon and coming bsck up slowly"Everythibgs fine let's just...let's just take this nice and slow okay"

The man looked over at me I lowered my gun slowly"Look at me"Rick said making the guy look at him"Hey hey"When the guy cocked his gun I raised mine back up"Show me your badge"I nodded slowly"Y-yeah show him your badge"Rick looked at me for a second and I stopped talking

"It's in my pocket its in my pocket"Rick said pointing to his pocket"Now I'm just gonna reach down nice and slow"Rick started to reach down making the man look down witch lead Rick to take the gun


I jumped away from the gun fire as it went off Daryl did the same holding onto me making sure I was okay as Rick started to fight the man"Let go of me I'll kill you you-Lett go of me"The guy yelled Rick put his hand over hid mouth"Shut up"When I heard Rick scream I new the man bit Rick

"Ah! Help"The man yelled with fear"They found me!"he started running for the door I backed up slowly ans bumped into Daryl"Dont open that door"Rick said but before He could Michonne stabed the man in the back I yelped and put my hand over my mouth we all just kinda looked at eachother Daryl ran up to the door and looked through it

"Remember the Alamo"I turned around not wanting to see what was about to happen"Help me with the door"I shook my head and looked at the ground"you gotta be kidding me"Oscar said I know it was sick I mean we just killed this man and now we're doing this"Hes dead check the back"Rick said I turned around slightly Rick and Daryl were lifting him up

Oscar went to the bsck and looked out the door"Its clear"He said looking back at Rick"one Two three"I looked away on two not wanting to see this I walked up to Oscar by the door the door opened and closed again I looked back over Daryl locked the door ans we ran out of the back way ware there was a lake we got away from the house safe

It was nightfall as we walked up to the place it had walls and there were people on then as we hid behind a car looking up at the me there was a bow man and a person wirh a gun it looked like they traded spots a bow men and another person I wasn't sure what we were gonna do now but I did know I was scared to go in here.

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