Chapter nine-"Ride to Town"

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The picture is what your waring^

    Maggie, Glenn and I were on horses making are way into town for Lori I think is what Glenn said I don't know I haven't talked to him since he told me he told Dale"You guys didn't have to come"Glenn said braking the silince

  "You can hate me from a distance"I walked my horse along Maggie and glared at Glenn I understood why he told them but I'm more mad about him braking Maggie's trust not my own even though I asked him to keep it a secret to we didn't say anything to him"Please say something"

  I rolled my eyes as we got onto the road pavement Maggie still didn't say a word as we made it into town"Thena Maggie I-"Glenn was cut off by Maggie"We asked for your trust and you betrayed it and our dad is pissed at us"she sais angrly"You can't expect this to Alison be okay Glenn"I said making both of them to look at me

  "Your turn"Maggie said looking at Glenn silinced filled the are once again"So your dad thinks they're sick"I sighed and focused on Zippy underneath me"You agree with that"Maggie looks at me knowing damn well I don't agree with that I just looked bsck down

  "Even after what you saw at the well"I glared at Glenn"Were not sure what we saw at the well"I said angerly"yes you are"Glenn said just as we got to the store and jumped down"Athena yiu said it you're there not people"I rolled my eyes at him"I would like to be left out of it now"I walked into the store already tyed my horse as I left um to talk

  I looked around the store and started digging through the famine section I grabed as many pads and tanponds as I possibly could and stuffed them in my bag I also got some loshen and some conditioner and shampoo before I heard the door  open I stood up as Glenn walked over to Me"Hey can you help me look"I nodded witha smile

  "What does she want now"Maggie asked walking pat us"Cant say"I went to open my mouth to yell at him for letting me see it but not Maggie but Maggie cut in"So when one of them asks you to keep your mouth shut..."Maggie started

  "Crawl out if my butt"I smiled and looked down as he hander her the list"and help me look please"Maggie looked down at the paper thrn looked up annoyed and started to walk away"You have got to be kidding me"She said I looked over at Glenn Counfusd"What was on the list he looked down

  "Lori she's pregnant"I gasped and looked around"Glenn we can't send her out there like that I'll talk to my dad again"I said walking away from him and following Maggie"could you imagine being pregnant in this world"Maggie said as we started to look for stuff

  "Every noise from the baby could draw in more of those things"I say shaking my head"yeah they really need to find a cure soon"I rolled my eyes at Maggie"Maggie come on let's face it there is no cure and they are not people"She glared at me as she looked

  "What about sawn Momma Mr fisher Mrs fisher"I looked down and nodded"I want them back to but Maggie there Dead I think we need to put there body's to rest"She walked away from me witch had me sigh"Ima go in the vary back"I say walking past her and to the end of the store

   I found myself some kick ass drugs that will make me high I smiled and put um in my bag just for me I sighed and gor down and opened a covered I smiled when I found a nife"No matter what there is always something hidden"I said to myself just ad I heard Maggie scream

   "NO! NO! NO!"She yelled with fear"MAGGIE"I yelled standing up holding the new nife ibhad found I started running to her aid but tripped when I looked back I saw a walker grabing onto my foot"LET GO YOU CAN TAKE ME AFTER I SAVE MY SISTER"I yelled tears running down my eyes

  "GLENN!"She yelled as I tryed to get away from the one that was trying to get Me"MAGGIE"i heard Glenn yelled they couldn't see me because I was far away from them so I couldn't get help"MAGGIE"I sobbed as she yelled even louder when she stopped screaming I sighed of relief but soon came back to screaming myself

  I back up against the wall"Did it get you did it bite you"I heard Glenn say as the thing got on top of me"GET OF! GET OFF!"I yelled trying to push it off"GLENN MY SISTER I THOUGHT I HEARD HER SCREAM"Maggie yelled as I tryed to push the thing off me I grabed the knife and tryed to stabe it but before I could it went limp

  I looked up and saw Glenn pushing the thing off Me as I cryed"Glenn..."I sobbed harder as he helps me up"Its okay your okay"Glenn sais looking over Me so make sure I wasn't scratched"Maggie....Is she"Glenn looked back at Maggie I pushed him away and ran up to her hugger her to death

  "I tryed Maggie I tryed to help save you"I cryed into her shoulder as she hugged me back"I know"Maggie cryed with Me as we rocked back and forth Glenn was just smiling at us as we Cryed I wonder what had him smiling


I thought I was gonna lose Maggie and after she hugged me after I killed that walker we heard Athena Scream my best friend I had no response but to kill that thing that was talking her to the ground

  She looked up at me as I pushed the thing off of her I bent down and grabed her hands pulling her up"Glenn..."she sobbed "Its okay your okay"I looked her over I wanted to make sure I wasn't losing my best friend"Maggie is she..."I watch her look over my shoulder Maggie her push me away

  And jump into her sisters arm"I tryed Maggie I tryed to help save you"She cryed intobher sisters shoulder"I know"Maggie Sobbed as they swayed back and forth I smiled at the sight of them they really did love eachother to have a sister to love like that it made me think of my old sisters

  I smiled at the thought of my sisters they were my everything just like my mom was my everything and now now I have Maggie and she's my everything.....

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