Chapter two-"Lori dosan't know"

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   "Lori dosan't know"Rick said looking at the other guy we were still by the bed"no"The man said Rick was starting to cry again"My wife dosan't know"He cryed as the other man put a hand around the man's shoulder"My wife dosan't know"

I bit my lip as I watched them I wanted to help I just didn't know what to do I don't know these people  the man was whispering to Rick who was rubbing his eyes with his hands"Rick"I said with a smile walking up to him"Hes gonna be okay"

  He nodded at Me"I think you two need to step out"Daddy said looking at Rick and the other man they nodded and they both walked out of the room"Athena hold the rag"I nodded and traded places with him"Im gonna teach you a few things"he sais making me nod

  "Grabe those tools"I bit my lip and nodded grabing the tools"Now you see those little fragments in the wound"I looked down closely at them and nodded is he gonna make me do this I've done it on animals but a human...."Now pull them out slowly and steady"

I looked up at him fear in my eyes"Daddy I don't think...."I started and looked down at the boy"I can't do this"I say with a shaky voice"Yes you can"Dad said moving a chair next to me"Ill walk you threw it"I nodded

  "So use this tole to Grabe it and use the other one to move some of the skin out of the way"I nodded with shaky hands and did as told I grabed one of the fragments and moved the other piece to move the skin slightly the kid started waking up and screaming for his dad

"We're gonna need blood"Dad said looking at Maggie"Go get Rick"Maggie nodded and went to get Rick seconds latter he came back as I tryed to get more peices"He needs blood"Maggie said as Rick walked up  behind Me"you hold him down "I said looking at the other man

  He did as told and put hid elbow under the kids chin as I worked at the kid"I got him"The man said as the boy cryed its gotta hurt I looked at the boy as I tryed to get the fragment out I was so close to getting it out"Its okay kid I almost have it"I say as he screamed

  He was screaming so load and I felt bad for him"STOP YOUR KILLING HIM"Rick screamed at me"Keep going Athena Rick do you want him to live? Shes helping him!"Dad said looking at Rick he's losing blood and fast"He needs blood"Patricia said as I digged around in the kid

  "DO IT NOW!"The other man yelled looking at Rick at that point I wasn't focused on the others I was focused on the boy in front of Me trying to get this peice out was the hardest thing I ever had to do before whrn the kid stopped screaming I looked up at him for a second

  I can feel his heart and he alive"wait. wait. hey."The man who was holding the boy down"He just passed out I said finally pulling a fragment of the bullet out"One down"Dad sais smiling at me"Five to go"I put the bullet fragment in the pan and moved away from the boy

"I'm done Daddy your doing the rest"I say my hands shaking I couldn't believe I just pulled a bullet out of a kid that was so stressful I pulled off the gloves and walked out of the room before anyone can get a word in

   I say in a chair next to Otis and Maggie as Rick walked out and the other guy who I found out name was Shane Rick sits in a chair next to the door"Hes stable for now"I nodded and let out a breath

   "Lori has to be here she has to know"Who Lori is that his wife he was talking about earlier"Okay I get that"shane said hands on his belt"Im gonna handle it but you have to handle your end"I understand he wants Lori to be here but he can't leave his son if I still had my daughter with me I would be with her

  I but my daughter up for adoption when Daryl my Ex left me because his brother told him to I just couldn't handle a kid alone"My-My end"Rick stuttered"your end is being here for your son"Shane bent down to eye leave of Rick"Even if he didn't need your blood to survive"

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