Life Breeds Consequences

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Pregnancy sucked.

There was no way of putting it nicely.

In the 5 days since she had discovered that she was pregnant, Buffy had been dealing with all of those horrid symptoms that you learned about in health class.

It was almost like now that she knew, her body was mocking her.

She had literally had morning sickness every day since leaving New Orleans or more accurately all-day sickness.

Perched over her toilet, Buffy could do nothing but groan as the pancakes Jeremy had made her rushed right back up her throat.

It was safe to say, they did not taste as good coming back up.

This whole pregnancy thing sucked.

How celebrities in magazines made it seem so glamorous she would never understand. They always looked so beautiful and glowy, whereas she looked like she had been sick with the flu for months.

Pregnancy and Buffy Summers was not a good mix.

She figured being supernatural and all, she might be free of some of these symptoms but...NOPE!

Stomach pains and her boobs aching like hell were all a part of the stupid package.

Hearing her phone buzz, Buffy groaned as she finally peeled herself away from the toilet.

It was her daily check-up text from Elijah.

He had been very invested in this pregnancy, more so than she was at the moment. Everyone morning he would text her to check out she was feeling and in the evenings he would call to get an update on his future niece or nephew.

Buffy had a strong feeling that he would be hovering around her constantly if he wasn't stuck in New Orleans trying to ensure that the witches didn't turn on them and leak the news of the new Mikaelson bundle of joy.

Quickly sending him back a thumbs up, which she knew would aggravate him given he detested emojis, Buffy grabbed the glass of water beside her.

Elijah and Giles had the same hatred of texting and social media.

It was actually kind of soothing for her.

Leaning back against the cold wall, Buffy sipped the water slowly, her stomach still churning and twisting violently.

Swiggingly some water in her mouth she spat into the toilet before finally flushing the chain as she collapsed back on the floor, wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her sleeve.

It was still so strange to think that she was experiencing morning sickness.

Truthfully, the fact that she was pregnant had yet to hit her fully.

She had been pretty much numb to the entire situation.

The fact was she needed to talk to someone. While talking to Sandra had been great and the elder woman had literally given her pamphlets of all of her options when it came to how she moved forward with this pregnancy, she could only help to a certain degree.

Sandra didn't know about the supernatural.

Her comment about people wanting this fetus dead had left Sandra assuming Klaus was a member of a gang or the mafia.

It was actually quite an accurate assumption if you took away the supernatural aspect.

Truthfully, right now Buffy needed to talk to someone who would be supportive while also realistic.

She needed Bonnie.

Bonnie was probably the only person who would not focus on the Klaus aspect first. She would not be the person either forcing her to accept this baby or get rid of it. Bonnie would literally help her lay out a pro and con list before being at her side as she made her decision.

The problem?

Telling Bonnie would also mean admitting to what she had done with Klaus.

This whole situation was so messed up!

Placing her hand on her stomach, Buffy weakly struggled up to her feet intent on climbing back into bed for the rest of the day only to groan.

Her phone was ringing.


Her now very over-protective baby-daddy was calling her every few hours since he had taken off to Italy to find this sword that had belonged to Rebekah's ex-fiance.

"Wow, isn't it the man that knocked me up and then took off to Italy?" She snarked into the phone as she climbed back into bed, quickly hugging Mr. Gordo to her chest.

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