The zero line

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*The day went on and no murder happened, which is completely understandable because Louis is sick and Harry is 100% sure he is sleeping somewhere. Same happened the next day. And the next month. And now Harry started questioning where his killer was. Louis was called in front of the people he kills for and they asked one thing. Kill Harry. Something he refuses to do and will refuse forever because now Harry saved his life and it wouldn't be fair. But of course if Harry pisses him off somehow he won't hesitate to show him who he is. And he did what he always does, he killed another mate of his and used the excuse, Harry wasn't there. He was now on the rooftop when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Harry raising his hands*

Harry: I won't do anything stupid. 

Louis: you already did. 

Harry: probably. I thought you died or something 

Louis: wrong. I'm pretty alive. But you won't be in the near future. 

*Harry sits down and giggles*

Harry: what makes you think I'll let you kill me? I'm not powerless

Louis: but you are stupid. 

Harry: you say it like you're better. Shut up.

Louis: and a cheater.

Harry: hey!

Louis: don't you have a boyfriend? 

Harry: no I do not have a boyfriend. We broke up.

Louis: uh why? 

Harry: it just… didn't work. He was never there. 

Louis: oh when did you break up?

Harry: before I found you passed out in the park. 

Louis: why did you have to remind me? Stop.

Harry: why?

Louis: because I did not pass out. 

Harry: mhm. Okay. I'll lie to you by saying I believe you.

Louis: you better. Why are you not locking me in?

Harry: because I wanna see something. 

Louis: something like what?

Harry: the line.

Louis: what line? 

Harry: the zero line.

Louis: what the hell are you talking about?

Harry smiles: only I know. 

Louis: what-

Harry: I wanna see the thing that makes you do this. Why are you not killing me?

Louis: because… I wanna see the line.

Harry: what line? 

Louis: the blood line… if it's still strong.

Harry: is it?

Louis: not at all until now.

Harry: will you stop killing my mates?

Louis: nope. Never.

Harry: I ask you to stop. You're gonna make it worse 

Louis: no. And if you pressure me, I will kill you. 

Harry: okay. Well if you pressure me I will lock you in

Louis: good. Now may I stay in peace if you have no intention of doing your job?

Harry: yeah. Oh by the way. Thank you for cleaning up

Louis: don't worry next time I'll make a mess.

Harry: who says there'll be a next time?

Louis: will it not? Maybe I will pass out again. 

Harry: HAH you said you didn't pass out.

Louis: I'm gonna throw you off the roof.

Harry: I can fly sweetheart. Good night little shit.

Louis: Good night stupid. 

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