Finding out the zero line

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*One hour later Harry hears a knock on the door and goes to open it. The moment he opens he sees Louis leaned on the wall barely standing covered in blood*

Harry: what on earth? 

Louis: I have nowhere to go

Harry: well who's fault is that?

*Harry picked him up and placed him on the couch*

Harry: What happened to you? I thought I was supposed to do this to you. Who was faster?

Louis: someone who definitely has more nerves in their body.

Harry: who did this to you?

Louis: one of my mates.

Harry: your enemies you say

Louis: you are my enemy 

Harry: do you want me to throw you out? I'm risking my life for your stupid brain. Shut up at least. 

*Harry goes in the kitchen and comes back with bandages and a bowl of water*

Harry: why?

Louis: why not?

Harry: I swear to God-

Louis: fine. Because I told him something that hurt him

Harry: so he kicked you out?

Louis: no but I couldn't stand his face anymore 

Harry: oh right so you came to Harry the hero. Are you stupid? Or is this a stupid lie?

Louis: how dare you make me stupid? 

Harry: then the truth or I'll kick you out and I mean it

Louis: agh you make me regret. 

Harry: you should. 

*Louis frowns and stares at him*

Louis: what have I done now?

Harry: you definitely did something to deserve this.

Louis: You're actually really mean. I'm here dying on your couch and you throw words at me

Harry: what makes you think I care about your mental state?

Louis: well at least you care about my physical state.

Harry: well I wouldn't want you to bleed on my couch. It was expensive 

Louis: wonderful 

*Harry looks at him analyzing his face and goes down on his body to make sure he's all good. He sees a cut and places the bandage on it hearing Louis' now weak voice*

Louis: something is wrong. 

Harry: everything is wrong. 

Louis: no… I feel…

*Harry looks at him and sees his eyes closed*

Harry: what is it? What are you feeling? 

Louis: like… like I'm dying. 

*Harry touches his face trying to make him open his eyes but no success in that.*

Harry: open! Now. Louis, you're scaring me.

Louis opens his eyes: awww do you think you can get rid of me?

Harry: you shit.

*Harry hits his arm and sits on the floor next to the couch with his back to Louis*

Louis: yeah don't be a baby

Harry: you shut up. You're cruel

Louis: well what the hell did you expect?

Harry: never joke with that shit. It's not funny.

*Louis gets up and sits next to him smiling*

Louis: did you get scared?

Harry: I thought you've been poisoned or something. I thought you were dying, you shit. Go away.

Louis: awww look who has a heart.

Harry: really?? I have a heart for both of us because you refuse to use it.

Louis: yeah Styles? No I don't refuse to use it. It's not useful anymore. 

Harry: lie to yourself with that because it's not working with me. 

Louis: did you just call me a liar?

Harry: did you just lie to me twice in two minutes?

Louis: You don't know that.

Harry: mhm. Well Louis I really don't care about your mental or physical state so I would ask you to leave my house.

Louis: you would? 

Harry: yeah. It's wrong enough to let you escape everytime, I don't want to sit in the same room with the one that kills people. 

Louis: well you stayed in the same house with one who killed people so don't act like it's the first time.

Harry froze: what?

*Louis gets closer to him*

Louis: you little angels of the law are nothing more than puppets who would murder someone just for the sake of it without thinking twice.

Harry: I didn't kill anyone.

Louis: no but you have his name. Deal with the idea of being the son of a murderer. 

*Louis gets up and leaves but Harry runs after him grabbing his arm before opening the door*

Louis: what?

Harry: you can't do this. 

Louis: do what? You asked me to leave.

Harry: you can't tell me something like that and leave, otherwise I'll believe it's a lie.

Louis: you have the evidence, not me… of course you won't believe a murderer but you have evidence. Your dad killed half of my family and I am still not killing you, so think twice about it.

*Louis turns around and leaves. Harry remains shocked on the doorstep.*

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