New escape plan

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Harry: shit.

Man: that's good. At least we got rid of one

*Harry looked at him and nodded*

Harry: be prepared for anything. See you tomorrow 

*Harry goes home feeling like someone is pressing on his chest. He enters the house and the nanny comes to him*

Woman: Eva is sleeping peacefully, she ate, and everything. 

Harry: okay. Thank you. You can go now.

*The woman nods, takes her things and leaves. The moment he hears the door closing Harry falls on his knees breaking down into crying. Suddenly the door opens and Harry jumps right up on his feet hitting the person that entered on his knee and getting on top of him making him unable to move and pressing a gun to his head*

Harry: one wrong move and I swear to God I will kill you.

Louis: it's me. Louis.

Harry: hm yeah? I just watched him burn. He has blue eyes, you little shit.

Louis: yeah he does, and he has a daughter named Eva, doesn't he? 

*Harry froze and Louis looks right in his eyes*

Louis: he's 28 and he did everything he could to protect you. He even told his story to your freaking ex for you. And he faked his death so he can be finally out of the people's eyes. His people might be killers but trust him when he's saying that they would never be able to break into your house like he does. He is in fact a good thief or something. His daughter isn't in fact his daughter because she is just an abandoned girl but he calls her his daughter because he promised her that he will forever protect her. He abandoned her at 2 weeks old at your door knowing damn well you will protect her at all costs, something that made you and your stupid ex break up. He doesn't care about anyone but you and his daughter. 

*Harry drops the gun and falls next to Louis looking at him shocked and wiping off his tears*

Harry: no you really want me to die.

Louis: did I scare you?

Harry: no you little shit. I'm perfectly fine. Get up right now. 

*Harry stands up and goes in the kitchen*

Harry: take the gun with you.

Louis: yes sir.

*Harry takes a glass of water and sits on the counter staring at him*

Harry: take your contacts off.

Louis: oh you became very bossy 

Harry: shut up. You will do what I say and you will answer my questions. One by one.

Louis: okay

*Louis takes off his contacts*

Harry: how did you do that? I saw you at the window 

Louis: I made a hole in the wall, at the back you couldn't notice because it burnt but it was there. I am a fast runner. The moment I took a step back from that window I started running and the house exploded and I was already 30 matters away.

Harry: why did you do this?

Louis: well… now my people think I died, and your people as well. I'm officially no one. I had to get away somehow.

Harry: what if someone sees you? 

Louis: you know when I told you we can dress up like people? 

*Harry nods*

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