Capturing memories

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*Harry couldn't sleep all night so he decided to watch the sunrise on top of the building he always finds Louis on. It's 5am, Harry is wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie pulled over his hands and some long socks pulled over his pants. He brought his camera and a blanket and sat down waiting for the sun to rise. But his peace got interrupted by someone opening the door. Harry looks behind him and sees Louis, in shorts and a t-shirt, messy hair and sleepy face, with a blanket wrapped around his body. By the way he stopped when he saw him he was as shocked to see him as Harry was. Louis looked down at his own outfit and looked behind like a lost child*

Louis:  what are you doing here?

Harry: am I not allowed to come here or what?

Louis: no you are not allowed to come here. 

Harry: why?

Louis: because this is my place and I come here as I want.

*Louis sits down next to Harry wrapping his blanket tighter around his body and he hears a "click". A photo was taken. And his head snaps right at Harry*

Harry: this is the first consequence for killing my mates.

Louis: delete it.

Harry: nope.

Louis: Harry Styles I told you not to pressure me I swear I'll kill you.

Harry: sure. Why are you stupid? 

Louis: why are you making me stupid now?

Harry: You're extremely underdressed. It's October you idiot, in three days I'll find you passed out again. 

Louis: I'm not cold.

Harry: who do you think you're fooling? 

*Harry takes off his hoodie and gives it to Louis leaving himself just in a compression shirt*

Harry: take it or else I'll take photos of you forever. 

Louis: no.

Harry: yes. Now! I'll let you die if you get sick again. 

Louis sighs: I hate you so much you can't imagine. 

*Louis takes the hoodie and he couldn't not notice how soft it is and how comfortable it is.*

Harry: okay I have to take a photo of this.

Louis: no Harry!

Harry: C'mon! So I can tell my kids I gave my hoodie to a killer. 

*Louis squints his eyes and sighs looking straight to him*

Louis: fine.

Harry: my dead grandmother had a happier face.

*Louis starts laughing and Harry takes a photo smiling*

Harry: good now. 

Louis: will you not show it to me?

Harry: nope 

Louis: I… you shit.

*Harry laughs and looks at him*

Harry: what are you doing here at 5am?

Louis: I'm always here at 5am

Harry: so you wake up every morning to watch the sunrise?

Louis: sleep? Sleep is for losers. I don't sleep.

Harry: ohhh I understand. 

Louis: what are you doing here?

Harry: well I couldn't sleep and I haven't watched the sunrise in two years so… 

Louis: why?

Harry whispers: an officer can not daydream. Some people think watching the sunrise is a waste of time.

Louis: who told you this shit?

Harry: m-my dad? And boyfriend. 

Louis: two shits. 

*Harry laughs*

Louis: I thought you don't let yourself get influenced by anyone. 

Harry: I'm not.

Louis: You're not??

Harry: no

Louis: then don't let yourself be controlled by anyone. Don't be stupid. 

Harry: okay okay, boss

Louis: good.

Harry: What were you doing in my house the other night?

Louis: well I wanted to see how protected your house is.

Harry: and?

Louis: it's shit shit shit. With capital S

Harry laughs: C'mon now

Louis: it's true. I expected more from you. You are the biggest officer and your security is shit.

Harry: well thank you very much Louis, so kind of you. 

Louis: You're always welcome Harry. 

Louis whispers under his breath: You're lucky I don't want to kill you.

Harry: What? 

Louis: I said at least I know I can kill you.

Harry: You're funny. 

Louis: I know. 

*The sun came and they parted ways. Harry arrived home and promised himself he'll stay away from Louis because one, it's dangerous for both of them and two, his heart might have a problem with him because it's always racing next to him and the same thing promised Louis too.*

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