The soft hearted villain

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*The month went by, the murders happened, Harry saw Louis and did nothing, Louis stayed at the crime scenes until Harry came. It was their way to see that they are healthy. It's 2am at night, Harry is at the station and he gets a call. A panicked girl, sobbing at the phone.*

Girl: m-my mum is killing her please help.

*And he heard a slap, by this time the address was found and the capp ended. He stormed out of the station, the cars were driving fast to the location and it was like time stopped. He felt like this drive didn't end. He soon enough arrived at the location and entered the house just to see an innocent baby dead on the floor next to her sister who was also dead. Harry looked around and saw her, the mother in the corner with a bullet in her forehead. Two murders and a suicidal. It was too late. Tears were falling on everyone's cheeks and they silently finished the procedure and went back to the station. They called the father, but he didn't answer. And the other relatives but no one answered. Harry went to the officers that were on that mission*

Harry: you know the drill… you can go home. 

*Harry decided to walk home because he's not too far away, just a twenty minute walk. Half way home he couldn't stop his tears and he broke down punching a tree on the way.*

Louis: wowo hey

*Harry looked around and saw a man with a hoodie on and the only thing you could see was his eyes. It was Louis looking confused and concerned at him*

Harry: I… I'm not in the mood Louis. 

Louis: yeah well I can see that. What happened? 

Harry: I… 

Louis: you wanna go home? Let's go home  

Harry: yeah…

*Louis and Harry start walking in silence and Louis can see the way Harry keeps wiping off his tears. The silence between them got interrupted by Harry's voice.*

Harry: a mum… 

*He stops feeling like he can't talk without crying and Louis looks at him his look softening*

Harry: I… I can't call her a mother. A… a woman killed… freaking hell. A woman killed a 2 years old girl and a 14 years old girl and I couldn't do anything to stop her.

Louis: shit.

*Harry enters in his house letting Louis coming too and he goes in his kitchen to drink a glass of water but he breaks down once again leaning against the counter and burying his face in his hands*

Louis: Harry…

*Harry looks at him*

Harry: what's the point of being the best officer if you can't save angels?? Two angels Louis. Two innocent girls. 

*Harry takes off his officer badge and throws it on the ground and Louis goes to him wrapping his arms around his shoulders blocking his arms and stopping him from hurting himself*

Louis: don't be stupid. It wasn't your fault. 

*Harry sobs in his arms and he suddenly pulls back running into the bathroom. Louis remains on the spot and whispers*

Louis: too good for this world.

*Five minutes later Louis knocks on the door*

Harry: I'm fine 

Louis: I didn't ask that. Can I come?

Harry: no.

*Louis enters and finds Harry on the ground, with his face white as a sheep, his hair messed up. He sits down next to him and Harry looks at him with his bottom lip trembling*

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