I need you and you need me

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Louis finally fell asleep and woke up some hours later when the sun hit his face while Harry growled because of it and immediately turned to Louis hiding his face in his chest.*

*Louis checks the time, 8am*

Louis: shit.

Harry: hm

Louis whispers: muffin it's 8am

Harry: and?

Louis: and? I'm a killer…

Harry: and?

Louis: and I have to leave your house now.

Harry: no please don't, I will kill anyone who comes just stay here, don't leave I'm feeling awful. 

Louis: Love…

Harry: please Louis… you'll kill that officer tomorrow or tonight just please. 

Louis sighs: You're lucky you're cute.

*Louis tightens the grip and they both fall asleep for some more. They spent almost the whole morning in bed while Gemma took Ema with her because it was their day together. They are finally in the kitchen eating when Louis was looking at Harry smiling while he was constantly frowning because of the headache*

Harry: I will not drink ever again. 

Louis giggles: you'll be fine. Can I do something? 

Harry: yeah.

*Louis gets up and makes Harry a drink*

Louis: drink this.

Harry: okay.

*Harry drinks silently and Louis stares at his hands*

Louis: Harry? 

Harry: yeah.

Louis: you said some things… last night. 

*Harry froze and looks right to Louis*

Harry: what?

Louis: don't get scared… it's not too bad.

Harry: too bad? So it is bad. What the hell have I said? If it's about you, I swear I didn't mean to say anything bad. I… have I said something bad about you?

Louis: not about me, muffin, about you.

Harry: oh.

Louis: oh? It's a pretty big thing I say.

Harry: what have I said?

Louis: what did your ex tell you?

Harry froze: shit

Louis: eh?

Harry: It's not a big deal… it's okay. Forget about it.

Louis: now this proves to me it really affects you. Is this not the real you, Harry? 

*Harry stares at him his eyes showing Louis a kind of sadness and Louis tilts his head*

Harry: Lou I…

Louis: look, I'm not saying this you isn't amazing, because it is, and you are amazing but last night I saw another version of you, which made me wonder if you are like this only when you're drunk or if it came out the real you. Because if that was the real you, clingy and only God knows what you hide, that was amazing too… and it makes me want to kill that shit for making you believe that if you are yourself people won't like you. No one in this world should have that power over you.

Harry: but what if it's true?

Louis: it's not. Because the right person will like you for who you are not for who you're trying to be. Never hide yourself for anyone or anything. 

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