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A few hours passed, Ema drained them of energy even more and now they finally get to sleep because Ema is sound asleep in her crib.  Harry falls on the bed and Louis looks at him smiling*

Louis: well good night Harry. 

*Harry frowns and looks at him*

Harry: good night Harry? Where are you going? 

Louis: on the couch.

Harry: did you really decide that today you will talk and do nonsense? Really Louis…

Louis giggles: what?

Harry: what? Really? 

Louis: uhhh do you wanna sleep with a prisoner? 

Harry: yeah. It's a new experience to have. 

*Louis smiles and goes next to him*

Louis: pleased now?

Harry: yeah. 

Louis: something is sus… 

Harry: in what way?

Louis: so you have in court a serial killer, and you let him stay with your best officer together with his daughter? How?

Harry: I think he figured it out.

Louis: is this not a crime? 

Harry: it is. But as I have a heart, he has too… he called me after the trial ended… and he told me something like there's a thin line between being the hero or the villain. And that line can be someone or something you care about. 

Louis: uh he really figured it out.

Harry: I know. But he also figured you out. He saw the real human

Louis: you say?

Harry: yeah because he said for you family made you a villain and at the same time love made you come back as a hero. 

Louis: what is that human, a mind reader?

Harry giggles: people who want to see, see. You understand me? I wasn't blinded by you… I am not that kind of person. I do not have a weak mind. But I do have a heart and a mind… not just one of them. It took me one look and I knew something was not right. But sadly I am working with some people blinded by the law. Or the money

Louis: so I didn't charm you with my beauty huh?

Harry: you did charm me with your beauty, your heart's beauty

Louis: well a win is a win

*Harry giggles*

Louis: what if something happens to you? I can't get out of this house. 

Harry: no… you really can't. I told you it's not your problem anymore 

*Louis looks at him and looks at the ceiling*

Harry: what?

Louis: I have a bad feeling… what happens if I get out of this house?

Harry: umm you can walk 50 metres away from this house. At 51 metres away your bracelet will stab your foot with knives stopping you from walking and in less than one minute you will hear the sirens and they will take you and lock you in that prison for life.

Louis: what knives?

Harry: you see your bracelet? It will turn into a weapon, it will appear knifes or better said nail… on the inside and it will stab your ankle. 

Louis: oh. Okay

Harry: but you will not experience that. No matter what happens, it's not your business. You will stay here with Ema and you will not give a shit about what happens outside. 

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