With all the risks

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*It's 3am and Harry hasn't come home yet. Ema is sleeping, and Louis is staring at the black screen of his phone hoping Harry will finally call or something. But there were knocks on the door first and Louis' heart stopped. This is not Harry because he doesn't have to knock*

Louis: shit

*Louis looks out the window, Zayn's car is here. He opens the door and sees a feelingless face. Like he would hide something. He breaks a smile but the smile doesn't reach his eyes, a fake smile.*

Zayn: we have to talk.

Louis: something happened right? 

Zayn: can I come in? Don't keep me at the door. Is Ema sleeping? 

Louis: where is Harry, Zayn? Hospital? 

Zayn: no no. He's not at the hospital. 

*Louis sits on the couch and looks at Zayn*

Louis: please tell me he's safe

*Zayn looks at him his bottom lip starts shaking and his eyes fill with water, Louis starts shaking his head*

Zayn: he's been kidnapped by them. I'm sorry Louis. 

Louis: no… no. No, this is not happening… 

Zayn: Buddy they are searching for him, since they took him they are constantly searching for him. 

*Louis starts sobbing*

Louis: no no they will kill him. You won't be able to find him… Zayn… no

Zayn: Louis don't think of that.

Louis: this is what they do Zayn… they don't take hostages for more than six hours… it's too risky.

Zayn: first of all you need to calm down. Second of all nothing is over until we find him. We don't lose hope

*Louis looks at him crying*

Zayn: Louis he's strong. He'll find a way to show us where he is. I came here to tell you, you can sleep, and I hope tomorrow morning we'll have some good news.

Louis: sleep? Do you hear yourself? 

Zayn: you can't do anything 


Zayn: do what?

Louis: let me help you. No actually I don't care-

Zayn: no. Absolutely not. First of all, you are at house arrest. Second of all if Harry finds out I let you out he will kill me.

Louis: he will-

*They hear a gunshot and they froze. Louis looks at Zayn and they hear a man calling Louis' name. Louis wipes his tears off*


*Louis gets up but Zayn stops him*

Louis: go to Ema. No objections otherwise I'll make sure you do. Don't stay in my way or I'll kill you.

Zayn: take this.

*Zayn hands him a gun and Louis leaves the house. He sees a man holding a knife to Harry's neck about 50 meters away. Louis' eyes meet Harry's eyes and he just knows that if his mouth would've been free he would yell at him to go inside*

Louis: what do you want, Pam? 

Pam: I want you to come take your officer. 

Louis: I will. I just need you to let him go.

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