Little lie

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One day later Louis sneaks into the house and finds Harry on the couch with some papers on the table but his mind is somewhere far from earth.*

Louis: Well hello the big murderer is here.

Harry: amazing 

Louis frowns: um where is the big officer? 

Harry: gone. 

Louis: gone? I can kill you! Look I have a gun!

Harry: take mine too and use them on me.

Louis: no that's not fun! What happened to you?

*Louis looks on the table and sees the evidences that his dad killed his family*

Louis: oh the truth hurts huh?

Harry: almost everyone I work with did it. 

Louis: I know.  This is why I kill them wow mister solved 

Harry: then kill me too.

Louis: as I told you a few seconds ago, it's not fun this way. You better pick yourself up and fight with me so I can kill you because otherwise I will not get the full satisfaction. 

Harry: can't we just skip to the killing part?

Louis: wha- no. That's unsatisfying. 

Harry starts crying: I-I can't believe it

Louis: what… what are you doing? 

*Louis looks around and sees an empty bottle of vodka*

Louis: oh. 

Harry: t-two girls.

Louis: look it's… not alright and not okay and unethical… and it ruined my life. Completely 

*Harry looks at him crying*

Louis: and I'm not made to comfort officers. Or anyone. Because of your dad of course. 

Harry: I-I'm so sorry

Louis: oh God. I'm not good at this. I would leave now because I feel like I'll make it worse but I can't leave because only God knows how I'll find you. So what are you saying of taking a nap? Because you'll regret doing this when you'll wake up so let's sleep. Sleep is good. Sleep is amazing. 

*Louis smiles*

Louis: but I won't stay here while you sleep because I hate being a creep.

Harry: you hate being a creep?

Louis: yep

Harry: you entered my house

Louis: I hate being a bigger creep.

Harry: okay. But Louis I'm really sorry for what my dad did…

Louis: okay

Harry: and I know it doesn't change anything-

Louis: it doesn't 

Harry: but I want you to know that I'm sorry

Louis: okay. Now go to sleep. 

Harry: Louis?

Louis sighs: what?

Harry: You're very strong.

Louis: well thank you. C'mon Harry sleep before you embarras yourself more. You will regret this. I promise it's fine. Now sleep

*Harry nods and puts his head on the pillow*

Harry: I won't blame you if you'd kill me while I'm asleep.

Louis: okay. Good night. 

Harry: Louis? 

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