Finding out the truth

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*The day passed and Harry slept for a good period of time. He also saw the rainbow which made him cry some more but he calmed down. It's 10pm and he realizes he has no orange juice so he decides to go on a walk to the shop. While he walks down the street he can not ignore that the street is super empty, no car passing, no lights in the houses, everyone is sleeping. It's a peaceful walk, he likes these kind of walks where it's just him and his thoughts. He sees a man coming towards him and he looks like Louis but he's far away so he's not sure. But one thing he's sure about, the man calling his name is behind him. He stops after hearing one angry word and turns around. By this time Louis already frowned trying to walk to him faster every searching for his gun. Harry sees coming towards him a man, familiar face but he has no idea who he is.*

Man: Officer Harry.

Harry: It's me… what is the problem, sir?

Man: the problem? 

*The man grabs Harry's collar but Louis gets to them pushing him away.*

Louis: keep your hands to yourself, will you?

*Harry looks at Louis*

Harry: stay away. 

Louis: never

*Harry presses his arm on his chest keeping him away from the angry man looking at them and all the attention goes to that man*

Harry: mister? 

Man: my daughters died because of you! You couldn't save them you shit.

*Harry stops immediately understanding everything. He is their dad, to be angry it's an understanding, but not for Louis*

Louis: you do not get to call him a shit. You should think twice about your performance as a freaking dad. Where were you huh?

Harry: Hey shut up. Sir, I can assure you, I didn't do everything I could to save them. The call was made too late for us to be able to do something about it. 

Man: Bullshit! You are a stupid officer! They died because of you

Louis whispers: I'm gonna kill him I swear.

*Harry reaches to Louis' collarbones and rubs his thumb softly calming him down completely. Harry smiles softly looking at the man*

Harry: I am so sorry for what happened and I can assure you we all were as shocked as you are now. We wanted to save them because we always want that but we aren't the only part of the story. I am so sorry for what happened, and I hope you will get through this soon… they are watching from the sky, I am really sorry. And if you need any help anytime, don't hesitate to reach out for help

Man: so you don't care?

Louis: okay man, let's shut up, yeah? Do you bring them back if you do this? Hell no and trust me I would know. So stop throwing rocks at someone that really cared and tried to help them and focus on where your mistake was. Have a great night until I change my mind and greet you with another personality in front of an officer. 

*Louis looks at Harry and at the arm on his chest and Harry takes it off looking back at the man*

Harry: I'm so sorry again. 

*Louis grabs his arm and they start walking home*

Louis: I swear if I stay next to that shit one more minute I will cause a murder

Harry: Louis he is a dad that lost both his girls. It's normal to be angry

Louis: not when you didn't do anything 

Harry: really? I'm pretty sure I am the target now because my dad did something when I wasn't even an adult…

Louis looks at him: yeah I know.

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