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Ten minutes later there are knocks on the door*

Harry: I'll go.

*Harry opens the door and Gemma smiles*

Gemma: Hello brother. 

*Gemma hugs him*

Harry: come in sis.

Gemma whispers: I talked with Any, she said she'll come.

*Harry nods and then go in the living room. Louis smiles widely and Gemma hugs him tight*

Gemma: Hello Lou 

Louis: Hi Gem, how are you?

Gemma: I'm good. How are you?

Louis: I'm good as well.

Gemma: I brought you something. 

Louis: Harry your time muffin

Gemma: not Harry's, yours.

Louis: me?

Gemma: yes, open. 

*Louis looks inside and the first thing he sees is muffins*

Louis: muffins! We got muffins, muffin

Harry giggles: we'll probably eat them tonight. 

*Louis looks at him biting his lips*

Louis: oh I'd say something but… I respect the elders 

*Harry laughs and Gemma tilts her head*

Gemma: first of all, I am not that old, I'm literally 2 years older than you. And second of all, I know what that look means.

Louis: I said nothing. 

*Gemma giggles*

Louis: what's in here?

*Louis pulls out a box and when he opens it he finds a ring and a bracelet.*

Louis: stop.

Harry: what is it?

Louis: it's a gorgeous bracelet and a perfect ring, muffin, look.

*Harry raises his eyebrows*

Louis: Gem, I can't take it, I'll give it to your brother. 

Gemma: you can and you will take it. This little man has enough bracelets and rings. This is yours.

Louis pouts: why did you do this?

Gemma: because you are my new brother Louis: no, I'll cry, stop.

Gemma: welcome into our family, Lou.

*Louis hugs her tears falling on his cheeks and Harry looks at them pouting*

Louis: thank you so much

Gemma: thank you.

*Louis looks at Harry*

Louis: I feel bad if I don't do this. You won't say a word.

*Louis takes the bracelet and puts it on Harry's hand and the ring on his hand*

Louis: we're matching now

Harry pouts: thank you, it'll always remind me of you.

Louis: so you know whenever you're in a mission that you have to come back home.

*Harry pouts harder and hugs him*

Harry: You're amazing love.

Louis: you are too.

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