The lines

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*Next time he wakes up he's alone on the couch. He rubs his eyes and takes a deep breath trying to gather all his strength to find his sister. He checks the clock, 6am and he hears the front door closing. Louis just left. Harry gets up and changes his clothes and goes to the station. He looks over the videos and relistens to the phone call he got. And then he hears it, after the silence that made him think the call ended he hears his sister shouting a name. Luke. And Harry got up and took his gun. Luke is her ex, correction, her psycho ex and Harry knows exactly where they are because he had to arrest him hundreds of times. He drives there and gets into the house and he sees him. Curled up in a corner and he makes signs for his mates to take him*

Harry: GEM?

Gemma: Harry? Bathroom! 

*Harry runs towards the bathroom and unlocks the door and sees her and she runs right in his arms and he holds her tight stopping himself from breaking down*

Harry: omg. Thank God. Did he do something? 

*Gemma shakes her head*

Gemma: n-no. No. He started freaking out the moment I told him you'll come. He's terrified of you

Harry: good. Omg I'm so glad you're fine.

Gemma: I'm fine, I'm okay look at me.

*Harry pulls back and looks at her and she smiles*

Gemma: my strong brother. 

*Harry smiles and hugs her again thinking about the fact that he wouldn't be so strong if Louis wouldn't have calmed him down and he pulls back again taking her to the station for statements, once she reunited with Jake later that night and she is safe in her house again after they called a security team to install some cameras around the house Harry goes home. He searches for Louis but he's nowhere to be seen. He sits on the couch burying his face in his arms when the door opens and Louis shows up looking confused. Harry gets up and runs in his arms hugging him tight*

Harry: you can't imagine how sorry I am for even thinking you did it.

Louis: shhh it's okay. I'm so happy you found her.

*Harry pulls back and looks in his eyes and for the first time he sees so much softness that he feels like he's gonna cry thinking he blamed him for this. And apparently his body showed Louis that too because Louis wiped off a tear from Harry's face and hugged him again even tighter*

Louis: Harry darling don't stress so much about it. I'm used to it.

Harry: this is exactly why I'm stressing about it. I don't want you to think I'll blame you for everything bad that happens in this world because I won't, I was a shit, I just… shit I am awful 

Louis: You're not awful, stop saying that. I'm not that stupid to believe everything you say. 

*Harry giggles sadly and looks at him again*

Harry: You're something else, Louis Tomlinson 

Louis: of course. How is she?

Harry: she's good. Better than me and I am not the one kidnapped. 

Louis giggles: it's normal. 

Harry: how are you?

*Louis stops and says nothing*

Louis: why are you asking me that?

Harry: because… I'm wondering. 

Louis: I'm good.

*Louis walks past Harry and sits on the couch*

Harry: want a drink?

Louis: nope I'm good. 

Harry: okay.

*Harry sits on the couch*

Harry: God I'm exhausted. 

Louis: you should go to sleep.

Harry: yeah.

*After an hour Harry is asleep on Louis' lap and Louis is looking down at him*

Louis: it's for the best, I promise. I can do it alone

*Louis slowly stands up and kisses his head and leaves the house. Harry wakes up for a second and realizes Louis left, little did he know this was the last time they would be together. Harry woke up the next day and noticed one thing on the coffee table, a note.*

"Take care of you, little shit!

Your number one villain"

*He frowns at the note being something not so normal for Louis to do. But he smiles and makes a mental note to ask him about it. The day went on and Louis didn't show up. A new week passed and Harry didn't see Louis at all. Three murders happened but Harry didn't see Louis, probably because Louis didn't wait to see him anymore. Harry went to Louis' favorite spot and waited for him but he didn't show up and Harry started worrying about it. A month passed and Harry didn't see Louis at all while Louis was running from him constantly. Louis was in a constant loop. Kill, hide, cry, kill again. He was falling, and he felt like it would be easier if he won't be with Harry. He was afraid he will realise how weak he is and he couldn't do that. So he wanted to go through it alone. His sister didn't come anymore. He was alone. And he started to believe he's a monster. He was going deep trying to go up.*

Louis: if you love someone, you let them go

*What was the line for Louis? Seeing what kind is Harry and realizing a murderer has no right to stay next to him. The big realization happened when the father yelled at him, Louis realized he didn't want to see Harry next to bad people and at the same time he reminded himself he was a bad human. Results? He is not allowed to stay next to Harry not for his good, but for Harry's, because Louis knows pretty well the only way he can not be the villain anymore is to die and that is something that stuck with him. Louis truly believes Harry will be better without him, and this is what he'll go with.*

Harry: maybe you were a goodbye

*Says Harry looking at the note. The fact that Louis isn't next to him even for five minutes a day is pretty weird. He feels like he just had a break up which is weird because he hasn't felt this way when he actually broke up with Zayn. It's an emptiness that doesn't go away, maybe it's his heart needing him. But one thing he knows for sure, he wants him back. The line for Harry? The night Louis cuddled the first time with him. What happened? The way Louis needed it even more. How does he know? He saw it on the camera. Another line? The way Louis lied to him just to not make him feel embarrassed. Harry realized that Louis has such a kind heart that was hurt too many times and he locked it in a cage. Results? Harry swore to protect him from the police forever and even tried to remove the charges.*

The lineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora