"Don't destroy me"

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Harry: HEY.

Louis: I'm not gonna do anything so you can continue doing what you were doing with that child. Whatever she was doing. 

Harry: she was laughing…

Louis: laughing? Good for her. I'm glad she has an amazing parent 

Girl: D-Dada?

*Louis stops and turns to them seeing the little baby pointing to him. Harry smiles caressing her cheek and nods*

Harry: yeah. This is dada.

Louis: w-what is she talking about? 

*Harry places her on the ground and she runs to Louis making Louis open his eyes in shock*

Louis: what? Why is she? What is she doing? Harry!

*The baby looks at him stretching her arms up for Louis to pick her up*

Louis: Harry take her away from me. Remember I'm cruel? Take her.

Girl: dada up.

Harry: I think you should listen to her before she starts getting mad. She is just like you when she's mad

*Louis looks at Harry and back at the baby*

Louis: why is she stupid? Can't she see I'm cruel?

Harry: no Louis. She doesn't see that. For her you are her father.

Louis: I'm not a good father! Step away child.

*The baby starts screaming crying and Louis looks at Harry shocked*

Louis: what is she doing? Harry help her! Is she in pain or something? 

Harry: just pick her up you idiot. 

Louis: and do what? 

Harry: you'll see.

*Louis bends down and takes her in his arms. Moment when she stopped crying and immediately hugged his neck*

Louis: what is she doing?

Harry: showing affection? 

Louis: I hate that.

Harry smiles: she doesn't. 

Louis: hey child let go.

*The baby looks at Louis her lips starting to shake and Louis opens his eyes widely*

Louis: don't do that again! No. What do you want from me? Harry why are you letting her come to me, you shit?

Harry: because you are her father. 

Louis: don't say that again! Take her away from me.

Harry: what about letting down your walls and showing her some love?

Louis: I don't do that shit. Harry, take her away from me! You love her. You help her. You make her happy. Stop the shit and take her to you. I abandoned her. Take her. I didn't want her.

Harry: I won't take her away… you know why?

Louis: why?

Harry: because she doesn't want me to… she likes it.

Louis: I don't. 

Harry: hm. Okay. But I don't care about that! I don't give a shit about that. You got that?

Louis: what do you want me to do with her? Take her!

Gurl: dada? Dada!

Louis: what?

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