1.// Why The Signs Have no Social Lives

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1.// Why The Signs Have no Social Lives

The sun was out and shining through the windows of the large apartment. You could hear the soft, gentle waves of the sea from the beach. You could hear the happy, playful yells of kids and teenagers alike.

The music that blared and vibrated your very core. The teenagers shooting water at each-other with water guns and the girlish screams of people who were shot at. The smell of the barbecue wafted in the air. All in all it was a sure good time that morning.

So why weren't the Signs not having fun? Having no social lives?

Aries rolled her eyes, arms crossed before answering;

"I choose not to..." She said before pausing and looking in the other direction, "I hate everyone," she finished shrugging. Aries then got up and walked out of the apartment sitting room.


Taurus shrugged, stroking the coat of her pugg, "Rather hang out with my dog," she murmured, petting 'Princess' who panted, tongue waging as she looked around Taurus's room.

"I'm going to eat now," Taurus said getting up, leaving Princess on her bed before walking out her room.


Gemini jumped up excitedly, arms in the air while the microwave beeped, walking furiously to the kitchen she bumped into Taurus who just walked out of the kitchen with the cold left-over pizza from last night before walking out.

Gemini then walked from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn, Gemini answered;

"Eating is better than talking!" Gemini mumbled, mouth full of food.


Cancer leaped onto the bed, rubbing his face into warmly into the pillows before inhaling deeply, he replied;

"Because I love my bed," he started, his voice already starting to sound tired, "nuff said," he finished before yawning.

He then proceeded to wrap himself with the duvet by grabbing the edge of the duvet and rolling over, cocoon-ing himself in the duvet before heavy breathing was heard.


Leo typed furiously on his computer, belly down on the couch as he stared at his computer screen.

"Netflix is social life!" he exclaimed before scrolling down the page and clicking the first episode of Izombie, calmly and sneakily eating from Gemini's bowl of popcorn.


Virgo shrugged before looking out the window, "I just don't text back," Virgo put her hair back before getting up walking past Gemini, Leo and Taurus and gently closing the door of her room.


"Wait. What's a social life?" Libra asked eagerly and curiously. Wide eyes looked around questionable for an answer and after reciveving none proceeded to try and talk Leo's laptop.

Libra got a wack to the head and sat down quietly on the floor before watching Tom and Jerry on TV.


Scorpio rolled out a large piece of paper before chuckling to himself, "Busy with world domination," he commented before he started to write various markings on said paper and crossing out names.

Libra, Leo, Vir-


Sagittarius just laid on her side calmly petting her grey tabby cat, "Cats are better than people though..." she murmured, ignoring the the look Taurus gave from the seat across her. She only looked back, raised an eyebrow and shrugged in response before continuing to pet her cat.


"I would" Capricorn started before patting the couch, "But I like my couch" Capricorn finished, rubbing his face into said couch. Virgo came out of her room and pushed him off, making him land head first into the carpet covered floor.

"But, couch!" He wined, his voice muffled.


Aquarius was snoring deeply as her body was sprawled on her bed, the only form of an answer was on her head, scribbled in messy writing was;


Moving her face to the side it also read 'Nuff said.'


Pisces only looked confused before laughing confidently, "Twitter is social so Hah!" Pisces exclaimed before continuing to type on his phone.


Hope you enjoy the first chapter! Tell me what you think in the comments! I decided to give the signs gender, it might change, I don't know!

Question of the chapter;

Why do you have no social life?


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