2.// The Signs Cliché Movie Lines

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2.// The Signs Cliché Movie Lines

The apartment was dark, the only light emitting from the TV and the only sounds were from the movie that was playing and the sound of food being eaten and the eerie wind from outside.

What would it be like for the Signs to be in a movie? What cliché lines would they have?


Class had yet to start and the door was locked so students were lingering in-front of the class, chatting, shouting and playing games on their phones.

Aries was talking enthusiastically to her friends, talking trash when everyone went silent and looked behind her.

Aries sighed, putting her face in her hands before murmuring;

"They're right behind me, aren't they?" she exhaled deeply, shaking her head.


The hospital lights blinded Taurus, her eyes going in and out of focus.

Taurus patted her bullet wound as they rolled her to the emergency room, her best friend looking down at her with sad, pitying eyes as she continued to sob silently, gripping the side of the bed tightly.

Taurus coughed dramatically, blood now covering her mouth she put her hand over her best friends, her words quiet and hoarse.

"If I don't make it," Taurus said before going into a coughing fit, "Tell [significant lover] I love them,"

"And to protect my candy stash,"


The room was dark and wide, as the protagonist walked in. The only source of light was above Gemini, it barely lit the room.

The protagonist watched him sit there, on the throne of a pile of dead bodies. Bothered by the smell, the protagonist pitched there nose as they gripped their sword tightly, glaring at Gemini

"We're not so different," Gemini started, leaning forward before standing up,

" You and I," Gemini murmured, fingers interlocked as he looked at the protagonist with an evil smile.


They were in the kitchen, Cancer and her Dad bickering back and forth while Cancer's mom walked in, looked at the two and grabbed a bottle of wine from the cabinet.

"This is going to be a long day," she said to herself.

Cancer stomped her foot, brows furred as she looked at her dad. His arms were cross and the frown on his face showed his dislike of the situation.

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