23.//The Signs Hiding a Dead Body

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23.//The Signs Hiding  A Dead Body

It's a cold autumn night, the signs are walking home from a long afternoon at starbucks. The air is cold and crisp, the sky is dark and the silence walking home is eerriy and straight out of a horror movie. The Zodiacs hear a noise in the direction near the lake, and with their interest peaked an d in classic horror movie fashion the walk towards.

Upon further investigation they find the dead corspe of the head cheerleader of the local highschoo

So how do the signs hide dead bodies?


Capricorn walked on the muddy path in the direction of the scream, jolting in reaction to the sudden snaps of twigs beneath her feet. Capricorn suddenly feeling the eerie nature of the situation, looks at the dead body with wide eyes. Picking up a isolated  twig she poked it, watching the decaying flesh squish and bruise slightly.

Capricorn shoke her head in digust, hands on her head.

"We better not fucking get caught!" Capricorn said voice shaking.


Leo who had arrived in time to hear Capricorn's shaky voice, patted Capricorn on the back, watching her jolt in shock at the somewhat sudden contact. 

"Calm the fuck down," Leo said, rolling his eyes as Capricorn continued to stand awakwardly near the body, 

"We got this," he continued confidently, realising his words did nothing to ease the tension her he backed up from a hyperventilting Capri.


Libra had bumped into Leo who was walking backwords slowly and peeked over his shoulder to look at what had freaked out Leo and proceeded to shake his head. Sticking out his tongue and gagging to openly show his digust, Libra began to speak.

"This is disgusting," he said leaning on a tree as he watched a slug make it's way out of the girls mouth. 

"What are we even doing here anyways? This how innocent people go to jail!" Libra exclaimed, shaking his head as he pushed off the tree he was leaning on.


Scorpio scoffed at the other zodiacs digusted reactions, moving forward to look at the corpse head on.

"How's this for disgusting? " he annocened before bending down, lowering his face to meet the girls bruised and battered one. 

"You wouldn't" someone in the group asked nervously. Scorpio leaned down, pretending to kiss dead body.

"There," Scorpio started, getting up and wiping his lips to add to the act, "Can't get more gross than that can you?!"


Gemini brows were furred and their faces twisted in digust as they neared the group surrending the body, folding their arms as Scorpio stood up straight and wiped his lips. 

"Stop screwing around you nasty!" Gemini stated, looking in the all other direction then the body as Scorpio let out a breathy laugh, 

"Can't get more gross than that can you?!"  Scorpio said and Gemini rolled their eyes in annoyance. 

"How are we going to bury this thing?" 

"We can't just leave here and call the police, there are too many of us here for it not to be suspicous! " Gemini finished, the rest nodding in agreement.


Aquarius had caught up to the group, eyes wide and their exhale coming out in puffy clouds of warm breath.

"I'm telling you guys ..." Aquarius started, heaving loudily whislt leaning on Gemini who shrugged Aquarius's hand off.

"We shouldn't  dig a hole for it," Aquarius to a massive gulp of air, "We should throw it in the river, it would have deteriorated and -"


"Shut up," Sagittarius interrupted "We are burying the damn thing," Sagittarius finished in a serious and almost angry tone, arms crossed in what seemed like annoyance. 


With her arms crossed, Virgo just shook her head, "Why did we kill this person again?"  she said  In a bored tone.


Pisces shrugged nonchalantly in response, "How am I supposed to know? I just follow you guys around"


Cancer was too busy running around to realize he was yelling at the top of his lungs, "We are gonna get caught ... we ... we are gonna go to JAIL! I HAVENT EVEN LIVED MY LIFE!"


Taurus covered her ears before rolling her eyes, "Thanks for popping my eardrum" she said sarcastically.


Aries just pointed and Laughed,"haha the dead guy's face looks funny"



Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for some parts being so short!!!(>3<)/ WHAT would you do if you had to bury a dead body? tell me in the comments below! Sorry about dissapearing for so long, school was becoming stressfull and I had to take a break!! But I'll be back soon guys!! I promise!!!


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