5.//The Signs After Hurting Themselves

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5.//The Signs After Hurting Themselves

The large apartment was busy as usual, the sun was up and the signs were all in the respective places the microwave crew was counting down the popcorn as the rest set up the the movie for the day and with the signs being distracted accidents happen.

Especially during the summer and everyone is too busy running around to catch up on 'Game of Thrones' then about household items turning into weapons!

So how do the signs react to certain accidents?


Aries walked into the apartment, closing the door, she it squeezed on her foot. Her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head and she bit her lip to stop her outburst but it came out anyway, loudly to be  more specific.

"GOD DAMN IT!" She exclaimed.

Aries kicks the door, hurting her foot as she attempted to break down the door.


Taurus walked right into the coffee table as she tried to put down the bowl of popcorn down. Throwing her head back in pained, she shouted and howled like wolf before grabbing her foot.

"CRAAAAP!" She exclaimed, hopping around as tears filled her eyes. 

"Chocolate fudge you table!" she exclaimed yet again before glaring at said table,

"Fudge you!"


Gemini stumped their toe on their way to the living room, their eyes bulged out before their brows knitted together as they glared at the door, getting into a fighting stance as they bobbed back and forth.

"FIGHT ME YOU STUPID DOOR!" Gemini exclaimed and most people swore they hear the 'Ready, Set, Fight!' in the background as Gemini continued to glare down the door.


Cancer was running to the bean chair, bright smile on her face before she tripped over the carpet. She landed face first, lifting her head, tears began to form as she started sob.

"DAMN!" She sniffled loudly, " YOU" she finished before she started full on sobbing, the noise filling the room.


Leo walked to his room, the doors edge hitting his hip, he fell to his knees before rolling screaming internally while groaning face down on his floorboard. 

"Ughhhh, it hurts!"


Virgo was strolling into the kitchen when she hit her toe on the doors ledge. Her eyes widen and her tucked lips held her screams as she fell to the ground whining in pain.

"THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF I JUST HAD WORE MY SHOES." She shouted to herself, holding her foot to her chest.


Libra fell to the ground, his voice croaking; "Goodbye cruel world."


Scorpio stomped over to the door before ripping it off hinges, "NO MORE!"


Sagittarius slapped the door before whimpering,"STOP" 


Capricorn bit her fist, tears forming as she denied the intense pain she was feeling.

 "No I'm fine I swear it's totally not broken."


Aquarius winced before telling no one in particular, "THAT DOOR Wasn't there before!"


"BUT WHY ME?" Pieces said as he gripped his foot.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Did you relate to any of the Zodiacs outbursts? Maybe some that aren't your own (>3<)/ Tell me what you think in the comments!

If you like this story don't forgot to check out my other stories 'Wandering Status' and 'Weirdos Like Us' I'd really appreciate it!  

Question of the chapter;

How'd you react to stumping your toe?


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