9.//The Signs At School

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9.//The Signs At School

It's fall, the season between summer and winter and with that comes school. The Signs struggle to wake up and stay up late at night on Tumblr and the likes, ignoring the responsibilities of school. The weekend is over and an unwanted Monday makes way as the sun rises so, 

How do the signs act in school?


Aries stood up, a wide smirk on her face as she yelled victoriously, one leg on her desk the other on her chair, carelessly rocking back and forth as she continued to shout at the top of her lungs;

                  "School, can you handle all dis?!"


Taurus just put her chin on her folded arms as the same thought bounced around in her head as the chaos erupted around her.

                      "What am I doing here?" She though yet again, closing her eyes in irritation as the chaos continued around her.


Gemini walked out the class, being banished by Leo and the rest because they were laughing at their own joke a bit too much.


Cancer head was on the desk as she looked down, her lunch box on her lap as she continued eating in class. Looking up occasionally.


Leo was driving in the direction of the school, looking at the school from his car he scoffed.

"How about no, LOL!" He yelled from his car before screeching past the school.

"School is for losers!"


Virgo was to busy studying, past test papers in her bag along with her machete .


Libra never does their homework



Scorpio glared at his fellow classmates, looking like he ready to murder everyone in the most gruesome and bloody way.


Sagittarius was scraping the infinity sign into his desk, planning on procrastinating until the end of time.


The teacher left the room, leaving Capricorn in charge.

"I Own you till she comes back!" Capricorn shouted as she stood a the teacher's desk, thinking she's the teacher.


Aquarius was asleep, too busying snoring to care what was happening around her.


Pisces was to busy doodling in her notebook for science during class to even notice the bell rang and was the only one left in school.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you like this story don't forgot to check out my other stories 'Wandering Status' and 'Weirdos Like Us' I'd really appreciate it!


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