3.// Things The Signs Say

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3.//Things The Signs Say 

The apartment was bright, the light emitting from the sun made it unbearably hot. As the Signs continued with their lazy, daily lives eating, playing, writing, sleeping, They, like anybody else say random things.

So what type of things do the Signs say?


Aries walked into the apartment, kicking off her shoes before rubbing her feet on the carpet to get rid of her socks, she shrugged her bag off before going into the kitchen, bringing out Tupperware that had week-old mac-and-cheese in it. She walked to the sitting and sat on the couch, putting on the TV.

"I really don't care," She murmured as the rest looked at her with obvious disgust as the strange odor of the mac-and-cheese filled the room.


It was early morning, As Taurus walked out her room the aroma of fresh food hit her nose and she couldn't help but be attracted to it. She walked towards the sitting room, nose first.

Taurus looked to her left then her right frantically before sniffing the air,

"Where's the food?"


Gemini looked at her blankly, seeing as tears filled her eyes but he couldn't do anything but be emotionless and just stare at her.

"Sorry," He started, putting a hand on her shoulder as she sobbed into her hands, "It's just that I changed my mind,"


Cancer was on the couch flipping through channels when her dad came in, she looked the other way, face the windows, arms now crossed. She ignored the arguments that came out of his mouth and when he was done she calmly responded.

"I can't change how I feel."

Cancer walked out of the living room before stomping up the stairs yet again that week.


Leo and her were bickering back and forth, their already loud voices becoming louder and louder. They were giving a mouthful of...specif words and parents were tutting, shaking their heads and covering the ears of the children as they walked by the couple.

When a friend of hers walked over and told him to calm down Leo exploded,

"Don't tell me to calm down!"


Virgo was looking at her phone intently, scrolling through feeds and threads completely oblivious to her friends who were trying to get her attention. Eye-twitching she finally looked up shouting irritated;

"Shut up!" It was only then she noticed the tall Adonis her friends were trying to show her who stared at her wide eyed, blushing she slapped the back of her friends head before looking down at her phone.

"I just noticed,"


Libra smashed her face to the window, nose up, skin against the glass as she intently looking at the cute, short black and white dress that, in her eyes, looked like a f*cking master-piece.

"I need to buy that." She announced, voice muffled and the glass misted at the comment, strangers walking by questioning her sanity as an angry employee walked out the door of the shop.


"No, I'm not staring at you I swear!" Scorpio exclaimed, hands up as he stared at the man—woman, it, in-front of him. It eyebrows furred deeply as Scorpio continued to explain himself in a babble of badly strung up sentences.

"Hmmp!" The He-she said, chin up as it walked away, hips swinging as it walked away.


"What, you know it's true!" Sagittarius commented rubbing the back of his head as his sister glared at him before going back into the dressing room.

"Women, what a pain,"


"Sorry, I have things I have to do," Capricorn replied before walking off into her room with a bored expression on her face.


"It's weird." Aquarius answered, licking the spoon "But I like it!" she exclaimed before proceeding to put mouthfuls of the bacon flavored ice-cream in her mouth.


"I had the strangest dream..." Pisces groaned to herself, rubbing her eyes as she leaned up looking around her room. She only shrugged before curling back into bed.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Did you relate to any of the Zodiacs random thoughts? Maybe some that aren't your own (>3<)/ Tell me what you think in the comments! Let's make bacon flavored Ice-cream a thing!


Question of the chapter;

What would random things do you say?


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