21.//The Signs When The Teacher Leaves The Classroom

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21.//The Signs When The Teacher Leaves The Classroom

The signs are in the classroom, the teacher in the front of the room writing notes on the parts of the atom whislt the rest of the class was in a silent chaos. After writing the notes on the board, the teacher tells the room to be quiet before walking out of the class.

So, how do the signs act when the teacher leaves the classroom?


Aries watched as her Science teacher walked out of the classroom, telling the class to be quiet and to take a break as they were in-between a double class. Aries looked to her left and right before quietly getting out of her chair and walking to the teachers desk.

"GUYS COVER ME!" She whispered loud enough for the people in the front row to hear her, look up and then continued talking. 

Aries opened up the first drawer on the teacher's desk and took out a half used pack of blue tack. Tearing a large piece of, she warmed it up by rubbing it between her hands before sticking it on the teachers chair.


Taurus unzipped her pencil case  and took out a crumpled piece of paper she had crushed up and put in there in the class before. She threw it and the large box of a pencil sharpener that was tittering off the edge of the teacher's desk to knock it over. 

As it clattered to the ground, she hurriedly ripped open a bag of 'Hunky Dory's' shoveling a few chips into her mouth as people stared at the piece of paper and the pencil sharper that laid on the floor with no explanation.

"Give me some or I'll tell everyone you have snacks!" A classmate whispered beside her, Taurus groaned before grabbing a handful out of the bags and into the cupped hand of the classmate who ate them happily under the desk.


Gemini was scribbling down the last of the notes that was on the board, ignoring the clattering of chairs as their owners dragged them on the floor to meet their friends in a rough circle around a desk. One girl in the circle was giggling, trying to slip words in between her laughter. She said the joke, her friends in the circle laughing while Gemini rolled their eyes, a smirk on their faces before saying;

"That's almost as funny as your grades! I'm laughing my ass off!"


Cancer was beside Gemini who was writing down the notes on the board. He over heard what Gemini had said in response to the lame joke a girl in the circle of friends had joked about. When he started to laugh he faked coughed to cover up his laughter, as the girl sat there embarrassed with a blush on her face.


Leo was watching the latest leaked Dead-pool clip on his phone since before the science teacher left. He was nearing the end of the clip when he finally looked up to see the teacher leave the room, he saw Aries hunched over the teachers desk and ripping of blue tack to stick on the teachers desk. He scoffed, 'Anybody can do that,' he thought before he saw her take a pen and start to colour the tack into black to blend in better with the chair.

'Why the hell did I not think of that first' he thought to himself as Aries continued.


Virgo was filing her nails her nails underneath her desk when the teacher left the classroom. She brought out a bottle of nail polish and shook it as the rest of the class fell into chaos. She was painting her middle finger when her table shook. Looking up, she saw the class clown stomping around the room, causing her table to shake. 

"............... Can you like, not." She said boredly before rolling her eyes, going back to painting. 


Libra sneakily took a piece of gum from a pack in her bag. Shoving it into her mouth as she started to type on her phone, she ignored the chaos around her. When hands slammed on her desk she was unphased. She looked up, annoyed, meeting face to face with the class clown who had been stomping around the class. Snapping her bubblegum she asked the first thing that came to mind.

"What's even happening?"


Scorpio just shook his head as he looked around the classroom after taking his head out of the book his reading. He overhead the conversation between Gemini and the girl in the circle and he rolled his eyes at the stupidity of his classmate.

"Ya'll are dumb as shit," he said to himself, watching the door, reading to let Aries know if the teacher was coming.


Sagittarius was playing the Ds underneath his desk since the bell woke him up from his last class, alerting him, his first instinct is to follow Aries who made their way to Science and since then he had been fighting another Pokemon since. Looking to his left, he saw a group of people from his last class unfold a map and start discussing what he thought was an escape plan. 

Rolling his eyes, he got up and slammed his hands on the desk, grabbing their attention, he toke the blue tack that was already on the map and placed it in a strategic location. Their eyes widened,

"You're weren't doing it right," 


Sorry there wasn't a Capricorn,  Aquarius or Pisces!


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! (>3<)/ Tell me what you think in the comments!

If you like this story don't forgot to check out my other stories 'Wandering Status' and 'Weirdos Like Us' I'd really appreciate it!


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