6.//The Signs Studying

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6.//The Signs Studying

The signs were all in the library, like everyone else preparing for the final exam. They had the snacks, pens, books, copies and highlighters at the ready. Some were studying their asses off while others were eating said snacks.

So, how do the signs study?


Aries crumpled her copy in frustration before throwing her text book across the room before falling face first onto her desk causing the librarian to glare at her. She turned to the side finally deciding to give, 'I'm so going to fail'!  


Taurus  was eating her third bag of lays when she saw a fellow student looking at her, it was only when they mouthed 'study' did Taurus stop eating.

"Study?" Taurus asked, the student nodded, Taurus looked at her half empty bag of lays and nodded to herself, 

"After this bag," she took another hand full, "Defiantly." 


Gemini looked at their fellow classmate with a weirded out look, "Study?"


Cancer was cleaning her seashell collection, putting them neatly in their place before going into her wardrobe and dumping all the clothes on their floor, already deciding earlier she has a better chance cleaning her room then acing her exam. 


"Screw this!"

Leo exclaimed as he threw his textbook across his room, slamming his head onto the table in anguish as he contemplated planning away to skip his exams. 'Maybe I could just runaway, nah, to much work'


"Bump all dis!" Virgo exclaimed before pushing all her school stuff off the table.

"I'll wing it!" She said to herself before opening up her laptop and watching friends on netflix.

*wings it and gets 100% 


Libra ran to the library as fast as his legs could take him and starts as soon as his ass hits the library chair. 


Scorpio just folded his arms and cried as bypassers and fellow studying students continued to, well study.


Sagittarius *whines but eventually gets it done 


"You have ten more minutes of study time before the exam." The teacher announced as Capricorn finally decides to do the ultimate cram sesh. 


Aquarius pushed her books away, folding her arms away she looked out the window, mumbling to herself "I am 820% done with this class!" 


Pisces as the teachers start giving out the paper did Pisces realize what was going on.

"What!" Pisces exclaimed before being shshed by the teacher, "We had a test," Pisces whispered to himself as he watched the people around him start the test.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's a day late! Sorry it's a bit short! Remember! (>3<)/ Tell me what you think in the comments!

If you like this story don't forgot to check out my other stories 'Wandering Status' and 'Weirdos Like Us' I'd really appreciate it!    


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