13.//The Signs In Class

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13.//The Signs in Class

We can all be restless during class; talking, doodling, staring at our crush, reading wattpad books on our phones while it looks like we're smiling at out crotch. But how do the Zodiacs act in class?


The bell rang and Aries sat down, as soon as the class started she began to get angry/frustrated, stretching a lot to distract herself from the torture that is her class. The teacher's speech going in one ear and out the other.


Taurus slumped in her chair, her gaze flickering from just staring at his book or looking at the teacher the entire class, pretending to be paying attention. She fixed her gaze on the clock for the third time that afternoon.

"Twenty-five more minutes,"


Gemini opened her books, taking out her copy, she began to pretend she was write something down, occasionally looking at the teacher to make it look like she was paying attention.


Cancer pulled out his chair, sitting down roughly before resting his head on the desk. "Forty-Five minutes of sleeping," He nuzzled his head into his folded arms, "Perfect."


Leo brought out her hand, starting to play with her long nails painted with an acrylic blue. She started picking at her nails, the polish chipping before she moved to her hair, twirling it around her finger before braiding it out of boredom.  


Virgo flicked her pen in her hand as she continued to stare at the broad, attempting to understand the gibberish that was algebra as the teacher continued to write formulas of numbers and letters on the broad.


Libra was secretly meditating, just keeping calm in their seat as their irritation grew along with the noise in the room. 

"Five more minutes, just wait five more minutes," Libra gritted out.


Scorpio stared at the teacher with 'kill me now' eyes as she started to write the homework on the broad. "It's 2015, who has time for homework?"


Sagittarius got fidgety, touching his pencil case, bag and looking at the was finna to get up and go.


Capricorn just rested his head on the school desk, nearly falling asleep as the muttering of his classmates lulled him to sleep.


Aquarius was lost in other thoughts, wondering what his next class was, how much time was left in this class? What was the person he was going to marry doing? Sitting through a boring class like he was? What was the teacher even speaking? French?


Pisces was making scenarios in her head, imaging the world was in the zombie apocalypse, who would survive? What weapons would they use? What type of zombies would they be? Would they be able to talk. All she knew was that the idea was a lot more exciting than class.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! (>3<)/ Tell me what you think in the comments! Sorry it might be shortish, I've been studying and kinda out of the mojo!

If you like this story don't forgot to check out my other story 'Wandering Status' and 'Weirdos Like Us' I'd really appreciate it!


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