11.//When The Signs See A Ghost!

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11.//When The Signs See A Ghost

It's nearly Halloween! Treats have been bought, costumes made and houses decorated. The Signs are in the spirit of Hallows Eve and what better way to celebrate than to do a spooky dare? After a classic, secret after school party, the Signs were left with nothing to do and hours to spend with endless possibilities.


What do you do if you were dared to enter the supposedly haunted house at the end of the street?


"Mama!" The figure said, popping up in Aries perpheals, but instead of her heart skipping a beat, her body going into a cold sweat, she pulled her mask down, screeching loudly, the figure eyes widened before leaving in a moment of fog.

Achievement unlocked: Scares The Ghost Instead of it Scaring Them


She went towards the kitchen, for some Halloween inspired sweets of course, and was met with a large skeletal figure, Black hair covering it's face

Taurus only shrugged, slowly bringing the bowl of sweets towards her before walking out of the house.

Achievement unlocked: So Chill


Gemini burst into the house, running up the stairs, met face to face with a dress wearing ghost with large scissors, immediately he jumped into a fighting position, doing a come here motion before yelling "Fight me Ghost, I dare you"

The ghost cocked it's head, obviously confused at Gemini'S strange behavior before just disappearing into the air like a whisper.

"That's right! You better run!"

Achievement unlocked: "Fight me"


Cancer eyes widened, her arms flared and she started running around, running up the stairs instead of out the open door. She tripped on a step, looking back to meet eyes with the looming figure behind her before screaming yet again that afternoon.

Cancer kept on running and screaming, announcing her presence but she didn't notice the Ghost had stopped chasing her.

Achievement unlocked: Flipping Out


Leo frowned, looking around he saw a store cabinet with a gap, and saw a glimmering piece of metal. opening the store cabinet, immediately reaching for the Vacuum cleaner, trying the suck up the ghost, not realizing it wasn't plugged in.

Achievement unlocked: Wannabe Ghost Buster


Virgo grabbed a broomstick beside her waving it in the air while squeezing her eyes shut, trying every possible method of getting rid of it while screaming; "Get away!"

Achievement unlocked: Amateur Ghost rid-er?


"Why did you come from?"

"How did you die?"

"Were you murdered?"

"Is there a Heaven?"

"Is there a waiting list for Heaven?"

"Why are ghost so creepy?"

Achievement unlocked: Ghost Interview


Scorpio just nodded his head, a lazy smile on his face.


Achievement unlocked: Ultra Chill


Sagittarius just smiled, getting into a fighting position.

"If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood

Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
If it's somethin' weird an it won't look good
Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)

I ain't afraid a no ghost
I ain't afraid a no ghost
If you're seein' things runnin' thru your head
Who can you call (ghostbusters)
An' invisible man sleepin' in your bed
Oh who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
I ain't afraid a no ghost
I ain't afraid a no ghost
Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
If you're all alone pick up the phone
An call (ghostbusters)

I ain't afraid a no ghost
I hear it likes the girls
I ain't afraid a no ghost
Who you gonna call (ghostbusters)
Mm... if you've had a dose
Of a freaky ghost baby
You better call ghostbusters
Bustin' makes me feel good
I ain't afraid a no ghosts

Don't get caught alone oh no... ghostbuster
When he comes through your door
Unless you've just got some more
I think you better call ghostbusters
Ooh... who you gonna call (ghostbusters)
Who you gonna call (ghostbusters)
Ah, I think you better call (ghostbusters)

I can't hear you... (ghostbusters)
Who you gonna call (ghostbusters)
Louder ghostbusters
Who you gonna call (ghostbusters)

Who you can call ghostbusters... (till fade)"

Achievement unlocked: Ghost Buster Theme Unlocked


Capricorn brought out his phone, going into camera mode turned around so he was in the shot and took the selfie. He then went through pages of filters and edits before posting it on tumblr.

Achievement unlocked: Hashtag Ghost Selfie


Aquarius just looked at it.

"Hey bro want some food? Need a place to stay?"

Achievement unlocked: Ghost Helper


Pisces "What! A ghost" tries to hug ghost before walking right through. Nuzzling into nothing, Pisces then muttered; "Ghost are so kewl!"

Achievement unlocked: Ghost Friend


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! (>3<)?! Any suggestions for the next chapter? Did I skip a Sign! Tell me in the comments! Make sure you read my short story "Weirdo's Like Us!", I just did a Mini update and I'd appreciate some suggestions for the next few chapters and opinions for the story so far!

Question of the chapter;

How would you react to seeing a ghost?


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