18.//The Signs Stuck In Traffic

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18.//The Signs Stuck In Traffic

The sun is blazing, dogs are barking and cars are honking at the quickly turning green light. Motorcycles pass, speeding between lanes, colourful words are exchanged, time is speed by yet the cars are moving at a snails pace.

So what do the Signs do when they're stuck in traffic?


Aries groaned, leaning her head on the headrest of the car. She honked her horn as the traffic continued to move at a walking pace. Receiving an obnoxiously loud horn, she looked at the side-mirror, glaring at the car behind her with an angry look on her face before pressing the horn of her car continuously.

"Take that douche-bag!" She shouted, flipping him off with her other hand.


Taurus groaned, gripping the steering wheel tightly as she looked all around her. Various cars were practically parked beside her, the blazing sun heating her the car making it so when she leaned back onto the car-seat, her exposed skin jolted at the contact.

She was only a few blocks from the apartment, giving the key to a office acquaintance who was a beside her in the car, Taurus got out of the car, starting to walk home.


Gemini bobbed their heads to the low hum of the music playing from the radio, occasionally singing the lyrics they did know. The music helped the time fly by but also made it obvious how much time was being spent in what felt like being in practically the same spot. Finally deciding to to increase the volume, the Geminis ignored everything around them. 


Cancer gritted her teeth as she saw Aries hook continuously before flipping her off and calling her a douche-bag. Opening her window, she reached at the back of the car, taking pieces of random junk from her car before throwing into other cars, a string of colourful language following close behind. 


Leo sighed, his arm resting on the edge of the window as looked at the cars around him, he brought out his phone, rembering the person in always called. Quickly typing in the number he knew of heart they finally answered.

"This is domino's pizza, what would you like to order?"


Virgo gripped the stirring wheel tightly, feeling her patience thin as she continued to drive in the same spot as the cars around her continued to honk and people continued to scream. Taking a deep breath whilst counting to three, Virgo got out of her car and opened the boot. Taking out her prized possession, she swung into the grill of the car behind her, using her baseball bat as a means to release anger. 


Libra watched Virgo angrily get out of her car and to the boot, laughing as the expression the driver who's car grill was totally smashed in with one swing of her bat. It was the only entertaining thing that had happened all afternoon.


Scorpio blinked repeatedly, as he kept his hands on the wheel, attempting to keep his eyes open as sleep weighed his head down. His head fell onto the wheel, indirectly honking the horn continuously. He dreamt of getting out of his car, getting a flame thrower from the boot and burning all the cars while yelling before driving on the now free driveway.


"It's a nice day outside isn't it?"Sagittarius said to himself, nodding in response to his question. "Such a shame I can only enjoy from the car," Sagittarius continued before sighing, "It would've been a nice trip to the beach, would it not?"


Capricorn grunted, her eyebrow twitched before she felt her anger rise over the limit. She brought down the window of her car door.


She screamed while honking.


Aquarius had tears down her face as her gaze flickered between the road filled with cars in-front of her and the time. "I only missed ten minutes, that's practically the previously and the intro, right?!" she asked to no-one in particular, trying  to convince herself that she didn't already miss thirty minutes of 'The Originals'.


Pisces winded down her window before making funny faces at the cars beside her, making loud animal noises that made the family in the car next to her look scared and ready to drive through the line of cars.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! (>3<)/ Tell me what you think in the comments!

If you like this story don't forgot to check out my other stories 'Wandering Status' and 'Weirdos Like Us' I'd really appreciate it!


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