7.// The Signs On A Snowy Day

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7.//The Signs On A Snowy Day

After skipping the season of autumn, winter is here. The Snow is heavy and the sun has long since come down and The Signs are still wide awake,

So how do the Signs do on a snowy day?


Aries walks from the kitchen into her room, turning off the lights and lighting some candles she set up Netflix, leaving the curtains open so she could see the winter wonderland forming.

Laying down on her stomach, she took tentative bites of her cookies and tiny sips of her hot chocolate before watching 'Mean Girls'

"This is how you enjoy a snowy day,"


Taurus ran outside, covered in various layers of clothing, she ran to the park nearby. She panted, seeing her warm breath as small clouds. Going on her knees, she pushed the snow on the ground together to form a stump that then grew into the first half of the snow man, adding large chocolate disks for buttons.


Gemini typed furiously on their phone, attempting to get friends to come over despite the freezing weather. Receiving no reply, he threw his phone at wall before landing on his bed with an 'omfph'


Leo ran out the apartment after clumsily putting on a coat and ran to the park nearby. He panted, before he jumping into the snow. Moving back and forth, he made snow angels in the snow, ignoring the snowball fight that was going on above him.


Virgo scribbled into her notebook furiously on her desk, Irritation growing on her face as the snow created a winter wonderland. She continued to work, going through stacks of paper, using the day to do unfinished work. 


Libra belly flopped onto his bed before rolling in his duvet like a caterpillar and falling asleep for the day.

              "This is the life," He mumbled to himself as he drifted into sleep.


Scorpio stood proudly, looking at the window of his room with his eyes full of passion, as he said

"Today's the day I live my dream," He then turned to look at his bed, "But first,"a nap to replenish my energy before living my dream!"

He then slept the day away snoring loudly.


Sagittarius smashed her face on the window staring intently at the little flecks of snow that fell and stuck to the ground as she breathed heavily onto the window, causing it to become foggy. She ran outside, taking the stairs all the way down to the apartments front entrance before relishing the the beauty that was snow, already see little pockets of cold air.

She then ran out into the snow,

before running right back as she forgot her shoes.


Capricorn shoveled a little handfuls of snow into his coat, putting a makeshift orange cone on his face to act as a snowman's nose before waddling over to a group of children. One child with eyes wide with awe pointed at him.



                "I'm tough," Aquarius started, hands proudly on her hips,  "Watch this" Aquarius exclaimed loudly, taking her shoes and socks off before stepping into the snow.

                 "I WAS WRONG!" She shouted, shivering from the cold as she hopped from one foot to the other. "I'M ONLY A CHILD!" She continued "I DON'T HAVE ANY STRENGTH!"


Pisces was in her room watching 'How I Met Your Mother' on Netflix under the huge blanket fort she made using the other sign's duvets and pillows.

               "This," she started, shoveling popcorn in her mouth, "Is the life!"


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for the lack of updates! And for the short chapter! Tell me what you think in the comments!

If you like this story don't forgot to check out my other stories 'Wandering Status' and 'Weirdos Like Us' I'd really appreciate it!    


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