14.//The Signs When The Teachers Calls For Them

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14.//The Signs When The Teachers Calls For Them

The teacher is in the front of the room, their gaze going back and forth the room at the students. After explaining the thoroughly confusing language that is algebra, they decide to ask on one of the signs to answer the questions on the board.

How do they react to being called?


Aries was bobbing her head to the music playing on her phone. They volume high and her eardrum possibly bursting as the teacher continued to raise their voice, ignoring the fact that Aries has headphones in and was currently shouting the lyrics of the song she was listening to.

"I got really big team, and they some really big rings!"


Taurus felt her shoulder being poked and rose their head up from the make-shift pillow that was her folded arms. Waking up from her nap, she looked up at the teacher with a tired expression as she rubbed her face.

"What?" She asked groggily as the teacher's eye twitched.


Gemini blinked quickly, looking around the class with a confused expression, receiving chuckles and wide smiles in response before looking at the teacher.

"What was the question again?"

"Why would you not know the question." The teacher asked rhetorically.

"Because, I wasn't paying attention.." Gemini paused before raising an eyebrow, "I thought you knew that?"


Cancer mind had drifted to another realm, thinking about everything besides the chicken scratch on the board. Cancer scratched his face before responding.

"Oh, I don't know," Cancer's mind began to drift as the teacher turned their back to repeat question. Cancer leaning back in his chair to see the lunch menu.

"Hmmm! Supreme Chicken, sounds tasty!" he mumbled to himself.


Leo rolled his eyes, finally looking up from his phone before answering the teacher's question with his own;

"What do you want?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, an irritated look on his face.


"If you have 'X' over Two plus 'X' over four what is the answer?" 

"Uhhhh" Virgo started, rubbing his face before answering, "Six 'X' over Eight?" he said nervously, guessing a random answer. The teacher blinked, shocked "Correct!" the teacher responded.

A smile made way to Virgo's face as he body language practically emitted confidence.

"Of course it is, I totally knew the answer,"


Libra was chatting with Gemini and wasn't paying attention, it wasn't until Gemini stopped talking that Libra looked up, noticed the silence around him and the teachers annoyed expression did he realise that he was being called by the teacher.



Scorpio slowly rolled her eyes before answering.

"The limit doesn't approach anything so therefore the limit does not exist,"

The teacher nodded before going back to teaching the class.


Sagittarius looked around quickly before grunting, mumbling to himself;

"I wasn't even raising my hand," 

"Doesn't matter,"


Capricorn answered the question, bumping his leg against his desk to calm himself from the excitement, a little too excited at the idea of it being the correct answer.


Aquarius blinked wildly, trying to force words out of her mouth but all that came out was;


The teacher blinked.


People started to giggle and the teacher's expression slowly began to become more and more irritated.



Pisces answered the question, before going back to craving the Nazi's sign onto the desk, using and black sharpie to outline the sign before doodling around said design.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter! (>3<)/ Tell me what you think in the comments! I couldn't resist the Mean Girls quote! Don't judge me!

If you like this story don't forgot to check out my other story 'Wandering Status' and 'Weirdos Like Us' I'd really appreciate it!


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