20.//The Signs Finding Out Someone is Crushing on Them

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20.//The Signs Finding Out Someone is Crushing on Them

It was a early school morning before class, the girls huddled up in groups, gossiping on the latest news and the guys listening to blaring music and saying the lyrics. So the signs happen to overhear the latest gossip,

Someone has a crush on them!

So, how do the signs react to people having crushes?


Aries who had opened her locker and put her books into her bag laughed quietly to herself as she heard the news.

"Hahahahaha kay," She said, putting her bag on before walking to class, scoffing to herself as she replayed the news in her head.

"Hahaha, someone has a crush," She giggled, "On me," she paused, pointing to herself, "That's a laugh!"


Taurus opened her locker to shield her face from the gossiping group of girls that were frolicking around further down the hall near the heaters. She heard her name mentioned along with a fellow classmate. Whilst peeking from her locker, she saw the girls laugh, slapping knees and and wide smiles on their faces while the leader of the group continued to tell the story.

"Is this a joke or like nah?" Taurus mumbled to herself as she heard her name, the boy's name and the word 'Crush' in between.


Gemini talking to a classmate about the upcoming maths, the classmate freaking out about the fact there was even a maths test in the first place. The noise of the shocked classmate must have brought some attention because all of a sudden a group of were talking about them and a fellow classmate.

"Wait, what?!" Gemini said shocked, doing a double take. 'When did that happen?'


Cancer eyes widened as the news traveled from the mouths of girls who had nothing better to do and to the ears of Cancer who was walking past the cafeteria. She looked at a girl who was near the group on her phone, She looked up.

"Oh my f-ing God, are you serious?" Cancer mouthed,

She nodded.  

Cancer almost fainted.


Leo walked by as he heard the news, smirk on his face and he ran his hand through his hair as he glanced at the gossiping girls. He went to the opposite side of the hall, leaning on the locker across the group over hearing as a classmate proceed to get their books out and chat. The classmate looked at the girls before looking at Leo;

"You do realize they're talking about you and *********'s crush on you right?" The classmate asked, Leo only smirked.

"Well, who wouldn't?"


Virgo held her books tightly to her chest as she walked to class, passing by a group of people from her class whispering eagerly to each-other. Their expressions lit up with a stirring wickedness as she passed by, one boy in particular whispered to the girl beside him, his gaze on her as the girl he was talking to giggled loudly. 

Another boy came from the lunch hall and from the look on his face when he looked at the boy who was with his circle of friend he wasn't very happy at what he said. Another girl mouthed; 

"He has a crush on you!"

Virgo's eyes widened, "This is awkward, bye!" She said loudly before running off.


Libra was seating at his usual table, his friends chatting energetically amongst themselves as he continued to shovel mouthfuls of peaches and apple pie into his mouth. A friend in particular and a light blush on her face while she looked at her intertwined hands and then at him. 

He felt a jab on his side and while his mouth was filled with pie his friend whispered why the girl in his group was blushing so much. He smiled, pieces of fruit were in his teeth while he 'awwed'.

"How cute! Aawww,"


Scorpio took out the books from his bag and whilst rummaging the junk in his bag he noticed a pink letter. While looking at the letter, he noticed the hot pink sealing wax had a acronym. Tearing the letter open as the teacher continued to ramble on about atoms and isotopes, he brought out the actual letter. Scanning over the message he covered his mouth in shock as his eyes widened.

"Oh god why? No," He mumbled to himself, his eyes looking over the same words;

'I like you,'


Sagittarius was in the girls bathroom. While washing her hands, she could hear the chatter of a group of girls in the disabled stall in the bathroom. She walked over to one the stalls, ripping off a long piece of toilet paper to wipe her hands and she overheard what the girls were whispering about.

"--He totally has a crush on Sagi!" She heard the end of the conversation but it was enough of her to get the gist of it and for her to laugh as she threw the damp toilet paper in the bin towards the entrance of the bathroom.

"Okay haha," She whispered to herself as she walked out of the girls bathroom.


Capricorn was walking down the hallway with a box of books the teacher had given him to take into the library. During the turn, he walked past a group of girls walking to class, books in their hands and others gripped tightly to their chest. 

He bumped into one of the girls, her books slipping to the ground  and a flash of loose sheets fell to the floor. As he put the box down, he kneeled down to help the girl, looking at one of the pieces of paper, he noticed his name scribbled above what seemed to be the girls. 

Hurriedly putting the papers together and shoving them into the girls hands, he spoke to the blushing beauty.

"I noticed you like me," She nodded shyly.

"Stop that," he said before walking into the library.


Aquarius blinked wildly at the person in-front of her. She was sitting down at her usual table in the library, sneaking bites of the chicken tikka wrap she had gotten during lunch whilst writing her english essay about 'Me At Three' when a shadow blocked the light above her table.

Looking up, she was about to give out when she saw the twiddling thumbs of a tall boy who had a note in his hand. Slamming the note of the table, he ran, leaving a confused Aquarius in his wake. Reading the note, her eyes widened.

"How do I respond to this situation?" She said to herself.


Pisces covered the girls intertwined hands with his as he squealed, all eyes on them as they somehow managed to get on the table that was in the center of the room. She had just confessed her growing love for him as the principal was about to start his speech on how kissing, hugging and piggy-back riding was banned. 

"I LIKE YOU TOO ..................... I THINK!" he said happily, eyes wide with happiness.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! (>3<)/ Tell me what you think in the comments!

If you like this story don't forgot to check out my other stories 'Wandering Status' and 'Weirdos Like Us' I'd really appreciate it!


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