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•Aria Marino•

I have never hated anything more than my life at this very moment.

Okay that's an exaggeration but still doesn't mean I like it. My family is pure drama and hatred and being forced to spend a whole day with them is pure torture. Although not of the physical kind unless Zia Bianca decides to hug so hard that it feels like circulation is being cut off.

"Make sure to visit us more, Aria" my Zia Rosella said for the millionth time. I love going back to Italy, but seeing and dealing with them is a whole other issue.

"Sì, Zia. I will" I reassure her knowing damn well that I won't. They're only in the country for a bit so they just insisted on getting together

I continue to walk through the garden, smiling and saying hi to people as I pass them. I don't want to be at this party but my parents said it would look bad for them if I wasn't here so I'm spending my one day off here.

"Someone's grumpy" Laura, my younger sister says as I approach the table our family had been assigned. The seating chart has each branch of the family tree sitting at a different table so at least I didn't have to sit with any of my cousins children.

"Chiudi la bocca, Laura" I snap at her, while sitting down. My glass of wine that I never touched still exactly as I left it, indicating that my drunk aunt still hadn't come around to the table.

"Calm down, Aria" my mother said angrily, scolding me. She of all people should not be scolding me since she's practically forcing me to be here.

The list of things that my parents have forced me to do in all my life is not that long, but it is quite dramatic. Force me to move out of Italy at age seven. Force me to move from country to country from the ages of seven to fifteen. I hated it because I love Italy, it's my home and I never wanted to leave.

Also, as it turns out they don't just have commitment issues when it comes to a relationship, also in every aspect of life. Everyone knows about their affairs but no one acts like they know so everyone pretends nothing is going on but everyone knows something is going on. It sounds quite dramatic but it's just the truth.

We went from Italy to Spain to France to Russia and so many other places. Even Germany. And even outside of Europe to Brazil. Well I mean part of Russia is technically not in Europe. But anyways, due to moving from country to country, still for unknown reasons, I wanted to learn the language of these countries since I would be attending school there and it would just be easier.

It did give me the advantage of speaking six languages, other than Italian, but the disadvantage of screwing over my education. How am I supposed to learn shit when I'm moving countries every few months. When we finally settled, I got dual citizenship for the US and Italy so I didn't have to give up my Italian citizenship.

And then also dealing with the struggle of my younger siblings. The twins Luca and Laura. They were eleven when we finally settled in one place and were able to catch onto the language that is English quickly. But they did have to do it all at a younger age.

It sucked because I was starting high school at the time and it turns out that the one language I needed to learn was the one I didn't learn. People made fun of me for not speaking English properly and because of my Italian accent.

And they can fuck off because I graduated early. I learned the language and everything I was supposed to an entire year ahead of time and was able to graduate junior year, allowing me to graduate university at the age of twenty one. Turns out that just one year can make a huge difference. Thank the lord for that because I needed to get the hell out of there.

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