38| lost

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•Aria Marino•

            "What the fuck is that?" Matteo asks, walking towards the windows to look outside as we hear screaming coming from the main lawn.
            We look outside and see Aless, Alvaro, and Rafael, who is Alvaro's cousin, all screaming at each other. They aren't exactly play fighting either, they all seem genuinely upset.
            We were just about to go to brunch and have a normal day.
           "You need to calm the fuck down!" Alvaro yells towards Aless, but that seems to anger him even more.
            "No I am not going to calm down. Did you know about this?" He screams towards both Rafael and Alvaro. They look at each other with a guilty expression before turning back to Aless.
            Matteo throws open the sliding glass door and yells "Forum!" to the group and they all turn to him, nodding. They all run back to their houses and not even a minute later, everyone comes out and starts walking towards ours.
           "What did you do?" I asked him.
           "It's just something we use to stop and argument. So whatever they were arguing about will be discussed in a proper manner with everyone present to voice their opinions. Do you want to be the judge?" he asks. There's a hint of amusement in his eyes and I can tell he finds this entertaining.
           I nod and he leads me to the chair at the front of the room, center of everything. Then he hands me his phone and instructs me to go into his notes app, and to click on the one with the title 'Forum'. I open it to find a script.
           Aless walks in first, looking already upset. "Aria's the judge?" he asks and Matteo nods proudly. Aless walks up to me confidently and states, "Presenting case: Alessandro Rossi vs. Rafael Alba and Lia Emma Rossi."
           I nod and he sits on my right side, Sofia sitting by him with Vittoria. As everyone else comes in, I ask "What is this dispute about?"
            "Rafael, my supposed best friend has been dating my little sister behind my back for over a year and they recently became engaged without anyone knowing!" Aless exclaims in front of everyone. Everyone gasps, looking over to my left side where Lia and Rafael are conveniently standing side by side.
            My jaw drops and I look over to Matteo to see him have the same expression on his face. I look down to Matteo's phone. "Okay then. Choose a side and take a seat please."
            Allegra, Laura, Matteo, Rafael, and Lia all stay on one side.  Alvaro sits in the middle with Isabel, and which from the script says is neutral. On the other side is Aless and Sofia.
            I read the script for the next part as everyone else settles down. "Rafael and Lia, please present your case first." I say and they both stand, looking at me and Aless.
           "We knew he would be mad, and we knew he wouldn't want us to be together. We tried telling him a few months ago but it just didn't work out," Lia Emma says.
            "You knew I would be mad because of how Rafael is. He isn't boyfriend let alone husband material!" Aless says, sounding stressed.
"He spoke without turn! Judge, please invoke punishment!" Alvaro says excitedly and so I look down at my script.
After looking at the punishment chart, I made my decision. "30 handstand push ups. If you fail halfway through, you must finish the remainder at another time."
Aless groans and stands up, walking towards the back of the room. He gets into a handstand and begins doing push ups but in that position. Everyone counts to thirty and when he is done he drops back down to his feet.
"Rafael, Lia, please continue," I say.
"Aless thinks Rafael isn't boyfriend material, but he isn't how he used to be anymore. He hasn't been for the last like two years. And he makes me really happy, and I knew he would react like this just because he doesn't like realizing that people can change." Lia Emma says.
"When I do come to Italy, we don't spend a lot of time together, so his impression of me never changed because he wouldn't get a chance to see how different I would act. I understand where he is coming from, but I love her, I really do." Rafael says, his expression softening and his arm tightening around Lia Emma.
They do seem very very happy together.
I smile at them and nod, then look over to Alessandro, "Please present your side, Alessandro," I tell him.
"The fact that they were dating did bother me, I didn't want them together," he stops and looks at them for a moment, "and don't think I will be approving of it anytime soon. I still don't. But it also bothers me that they lied about it. I understand why they would want to maybe postpone telling me, however lying to me about it for over an entire year? If they had told me maybe even months ago, I could have at least been used to it by now and none of this would have happened." he explains, then nods to me as a form of telling me that he is done.
I nod at Aless, I read the script and continue on with my judging. "Thank you. Alessandro, Lia, and Rafael, leave so we can discuss the settlement."
The three of them walk out and everyone else moves to sit closer to me. The first person to speak is Alvaro. "I get where Aless is coming from, I understand that he's upset about them lying about it, I only found out like three or four months ago when he bought the ring and I knew Alessandro wouldn't like it, I mean that's his little sister. But also, that is the same reason they didn't want to tell him. And it is not going to change. They love each other, they're engaged, they want to get married. We all know what that's like." he explains. I nod, basically completely agreeing with what he is saying and so does everyone else.
"Yes, he's understandably upset but also, clearly even if he doesn't approve, they're still going to be together. They're still going to love each other." I say and everyone else nods.
"Okay say exactly that when they come back in for settlement." Matteo says, standing up and giving me a kiss on the forehead. I smile widely as everyone stands and goes back to their original seating positions, Matteo going to get Aless, Lia, and Rafael.
Aless walks in rushed with Rafael and Lia behind him, calmer and holding hands like before. They both go to their sides. Aless looks at me and says, "Accordo per favore?" (Agreement please?)
"We understand that you, Alessandro, are upset, and we understand why, however, Rafael and Lia love each other and that is not going to change. Sure you might need time to adjust, but the arguing and the rude comments and all the other stuff, cannot happen, yes?" I ask and he nods.
"Yes, judge," he nods.
We wrap everything up but Matteo goes to talk to Lia Emma. And as he does, I get an idea. Something I have been thinking about most of this morning.
"We already missed brunch, so do whatever you guys want for now and for lunch. We'll have some pool time at 3 and we'll go to dinner at the restaurant, sì?" Sofia says to all of us. Even when she's pregnant, she likes being in charge of the planning. I helped her with everything and talked everything out with everyone so it all worked out but since she's the one with the connections, she finalized everything.
And if anything, this change in plans is perfect.
As everyone leaves, Matteo says to me, "I'm going to talk to Lia really quick, then I have some emails to answer really quick, less than half an hour. I'll be in the study, sì?" I nod and smile before he places a kiss on my forehead. "I love you." he says.
"I love you," I replied and headed upstairs very quickly, heading for our suitcases to pick out a certain set I had packed.

•Matteo Rossi•

I pulled Lia Emma aside to talk to her. "I understand why you would want Aless' approval above all. You and him are like best friends and you don't want him to be mad at you. But don't let his anger get in the way of your feelings." I tell her. She had begun crying after everyone left.
"I know but I feel like I betrayed him. That's his best friend and it's not like I went out of my way to try to get with Rafael, it just happened. And I love him I really do. I can't wait to marry him." She says, a certain light shining in her eyes that I had truly never seen before.
"Exactly. Trust me, I know what it's like to love someone people say you're not supposed to love. And it's still amazing when you don't expect it." I tell her. She giggles and hugs me. "Congratulazioni sorella," I tell her.
"Grazie," she tells me. As we let go, her hand slides on mine and I can feel her engagement ring. My little sister is engaged. That's insane.

•Aria Marino•

It had been almost half an hour since I came upstairs and I had just finished getting ready. I had the two piece set underneath and one of Matteo's shirts over, so it wasn't completely obvious what I was wearing.
I walked downstairs and to the study, knocking on the large wooden door. "Come in," I heard from the other side. I opened the door, then closed it behind me as I walked in. "Hi, melodia," he says sweetly as I walk over to him.
He sits me down on his lap, a hand resting on my legs. "Hi honey," I say, leaning over to kiss him.
"I know it's been a while, but I'm almost done." he says, typing a bit faster.
I nod, then wiggle a bit on his lap. His grip on my leg tightens slightly and he takes in a sharp breath. But he doesn't say anything. He loosens his grip and I do it again, only slightly, but pressing down my ass on him more.
This time, his hand trails to my ass, gripping it hard. "Don't start something you might not want to finish." he growls into my ear roughly. I shrug and look up at him.
"I'm not doing anything," I say, acting clueless then change my position on his lap one final time before I can feel something against my ass.
"You just can't get enough, can you, angioletta?" he says, his voice deep before his lips attack my neck and his hands start to go up my shirt. (little angel)


more than once a week? omg who am i 😋

hope you're having a good week. have a great weekend, i'll try updating very soon love y'all

bye bye

~elle 🌸

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