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It was in the night around 3:33am, and Wylan shot up, his face pale and those sapphire blues were full of fear and worry.

He made his way out of bed, walking to the Sharpshooter, Jesper's bedroom, and knocked twice before opening the door.

"Wy, are you okay?" He asked and he knew something was wrong by the instant tears in Wylan's eyes. "Come here. What's wrong?" He asked, getting out of bed after waking himself up a bit, and stood in front of Wylan.

Wylan shook more intensely, but his tears did not fall. He doesn't like you like that. You're a Van Eck, you need to be strong.

"Wylan, talk to me."

"It's nothing, Jes. You're going to laugh, though." He said, raising his shaky hands, covering his eyes with his hands.

"I know something's wrong." He led him to his bed, sitting him down, and knelt down in front of him with both hands on his knees. "I won't laugh at you. I promise."

"I..I had a nightmare." He admitted. Jesper got on the bed, sitting beside him, pulling the boy in closer.

"Tell me about it."

"It was my father." He told Jesper, finding comfort in Jesper's embrace and by his small smile. "Well.. he used to.. He used to.." He couldn't bring himself to say it before a sob broke through his small frame, his whole body shaking. He nearly fell off the bed but Jesper caught him, and pulled him in closer.

"Wy, Jan's in prison, he can't hurt you." He softly said. Wylan fell against Jesper, pressing his tear-streaked face into his bare shoulder.

"H-He would hit me," He started, with a small whimper. "He'd lock me in my room, and take away the things I loved when I was little. He wants me dead, Jes!" He exclaimed, getting more upset by the minute.

"Shh. Everything's okay now, Wy. You're here, you're safe with me. Do you want to go back to your room or do you want to stay here?" Jesper asked, not letting go of the brunette.

"I might go back to bed, but can you come with me please? I don't feel safe sleeping on my own right now."

"Of course, come on." Jesper helped him up, and walked with him to the boy's bedroom, and opened the door for him.

"Thank you."

"No worries." Wylan got into his bed, resting his head on his pillows as Jesper got in next to him. "Can I hold you?" He asked as Wylan nodded sleepily, as Jesper wrapped his arms around him tight, securing him tight in his arms.

"Just sleep, you're safe." Jesper whispered, holding the boy close and in his arms.

He felt Wylan's body relax and soften against his own, and he held him tighter, wanting to make sure he felt completely protected and secure.

As they lay there, Wylan's breathing grew slow and even. Jesper could hear the gentle sound of his heartbeat, and he knew without a doubt that he would always be there to protect him, to hold him close and keep him safe.

He whispered softly into Wylan's ear, "I'll always be here. No matter what happens, you can always count on me." And he felt Wylan's body relax even further in response, as if he had finally found the peace and reassurance he so badly needed.

The sun peeked in through the window, slowly casting bright rays onto Jesper and Wylan's faces, waking them up. Wylan's eyes fluttered open and he gazed up at Jesper's smiling face.

"Good morning." Jesper smiled, pressing a soft kiss to the boy's curls.

"Morning, Jes. Last night-"

"Shh, let's not talk about last night." Jesper interrupted in a soothing tone, not wanting to bring back any of the distressing memories from the previous night to cause Wylan anymore pain or struggles which he went through last night.

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