My Sweet Little Merchling

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Jesper had been restless all day, unable to shake the feeling that something was off. He had been unable to focus on anything, and he knew that Wylan was probably in his workshop working on his bombs. Jesper had been so distracted that he hadn't even noticed Kaz and Inej blushing during their conversation in the Crows' Club.

Inej finally broke the silence, asking, "Where's Wylan? He's normally here with you by now."

"He's working," Jesper replied, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "But I don't think he's been taking care of himself. He hasn't eaten or slept much lately."

Inej gave him a concerned look and said, "Alright, Jesper. Why don't you go get something for him to eat and just spend some time with him? He probably needs your company."

Kaz nodded his agreement, and Jesper felt grateful for his friends' support. He got up from his seat, determined to go make things right with Wylan. Even though he had felt distracted all day, he knew that his love for Wylan was all that mattered.

Jesper rushed to the workshop, not even stopping to take off his jacket.

As he walked in, he saw Wylan bent over his workbench, tinkering with some new explosive components. Jesper snuck up behind Wylan and put his arms around him, pulling him close.

"Wylan," he murmured, kissing his neck softly. "I'm sorry I've been so distracted today. I should have been here with you."

Wylan turned around in his arms, a small smile lighting up his face. "It's okay, Jesper. I know you've been preoccupied. But I'm glad you're here now."

Jesper brought out some food and drinks he had picked up from the kitchen, and they sat down together, eating and chatting. Jesper listened as Wylan talked about his latest experiments, and Wylan listened as Jesper regaled him with stories of their friends.

As they sat together in the workshop, Jesper realised that all he needed was Wylan and their love for each other.

As they finished their meal, Jesper leaned across the table and took Wylan's hand in his. "I'm sorry for being so distracted lately," he said, looking deeply into Wylan's eyes. "I promise to make it up to you."

Wylan felt his heartbeat quicken at Jesper's words, and he leaned closer still. "You don't always have to be perfect, Jesper. I just want you, here with me."

And then, without hesitation, Jesper leaned across the table and kissed Wylan passionately. It was a kiss that spoke of all the love and passion they had for each other, a kiss that made Wylan's toes curl.

Slowly, they pulled apart, both breathless. Suddenly, without warning, Jesper leaned in and kissed Wylan hard, his tongue darting into his mouth. Wylan felt himself being pushed against the wall, and he knew that Jesper was serious about taking things to the next level.

Wylan felt himself being lifted up by Jesper, and he wrapped his arms around the older boy's neck, and legs around his waist, holding onto him with all his might. For a moment, they just stood there, held up by each other, their hearts beating in time.

And then, without warning, Jesper broke the kiss and kept Wylan in his arms, the smaller boy's legs still around his waist, looking at Wylan with a mix of emotions in his eyes. "I'm sorry," he said, sounding embarrassed. "I didn't mean to get carried away like that."

Wylan looked at Jesper, his heart still pounding in his chest. "It's okay," he said, his voice shaking. "I wanted you to. I've wanted you to for so long."

Jesper looked at the other male. "Did you just say that you want me?"

"I-Is that a problem?"

"No, pack all of this up for now. Let me take care of you." Jesper carried Wylan over to the bed, and laid him down carefully, and crawled on top of him, his hands on the bed. He moved his hands down to Wylan's hands, sitting him up with his hands on his thighs.

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