Please Don't ever leave me

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Wylan was settled in the living room with a blanket over his knees, trying to get used to the old scenery at the Van Eck mansion, from his childhood.

Jesper entered the living room, a steaming mug of tea in his hands, his hands shaking from the heat coming off of the mug. He walked over to Wylan, and handed the mug to him.

"Thank you." Wylan said quietly, as Jesper joined him on the sofa.

"It's okay. How are you feeling?"

"Still really shaken up from being here. It's my childhood home, even though it brings back more trauma and memories." Wylan admitted, his voice going quiet and low.

Jesper moved so his legs were on the armrest of the sofa and his head was on Wylan's thighs, looking up at him with the smile that Wylan always loved from him.

"Are you comfortable?" Wylan asked, lifting Jesper's head to put his mug on the table, and put his head back down and in his lap.

"Now I am. Saints, Wylan, I can see your perfect face now." Jesper smirked and raised his hands up to Wylan's nose and sat up and captured their lips in a sweet, soft kiss. After a couple of moments, they pull away, and Jesper lays his head back down in Wylan's lap, leaving his feet dangling off of the armrest of the sofa.

"I remember feeling so alone and scared," Wylan said, his eyes distant as he recounted a particularly traumatic experience from his childhood. "But now, with you, I feel like I can finally face my demons."

Jesper squeezed his hand in response, a fierce determination in his eyes. "You're not alone anymore, Wylan. I'm here for you, and I always will be," he said firmly.

Wylan's eyes flickered up to meet his, filled with gratitude and a tinge of sadness. "I know, Jes. I'm so grateful to have someone like you in my life," he whispered, pushing Jesper off of him to bring his knees up and into his chest.

"Oh Wylan. Do you want to go back to our place?"

"Please. I can't stay h-here." Wylan stammered, getting more anxious and panicked as the minutes went by fast.

"When we get back, will you umm read to me please?" Wylan asked, not knowing how Jesper would respond.

"Of course, my love, whatever you need." Jesper responded, gazing into Wylan's eyes. "We'll do whatever you're comfortable with, but at any point, you need me to stop reading or you feel uncomfortable, tell me, and I'll stop."

"I will, but for now. I want to do something before we leave, so come with me to the kitchen." Wylan got up, running with Jesper by the hand and to the kitchen at the mansion and stood by the door with a smile on his face.

Wylan gasped as the melody swirled around him. He started tapping his feet, and before long, he was swaying his hips to the rhythm. Jesper watched him with a smile on his face, feeling a warmth in his heart at the sight of Wylan's happiness.

He stepped closer and took Wylan's hand in his. Wylan's eyes met his, filled with the same love and joy that Jesper was feeling. They started to move together, gradually building up speed until they were twirling around the kitchen.

Jesper watched as Wylan laughed and smiled, feeling grateful for the opportunity to share this moment with him. As the song began to slow down, Jesper pulled Wylan close, wrapping his arms around him.

"You are so amazing," he whispered, his voice full of emotion.

Wylan looked up at him, his eyes softening in response. "You make me feel amazing," he replied.

Jesper felt his heart swell with love. This was what he wanted, this moment of perfect connection and happiness.

They continued to dance, moving slowly to the beat of the music. As they danced, Jesper started to realise that he wanted to take their relationship to the next level. He wanted Wylan to know how he felt, to understand just how much he meant to him.

The Wesper CollectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora