He's the Prince (Royal AU)

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Wylan Van Eck slowly opened his eyes and stretched out his arms, feeling the softness of the feather-filled bed beneath him. He yawned and stared at the ornate ceiling of his bedroom, adorned with intricate golden patterns. As he sat up, his gaze shifted towards the grand window, revealing a breath-taking view of the city of Ketterdam.

For a moment, Wylan forgot that he was a prince, and he felt like a king, residing in the grandest castle in all of the land. Looking around his bedroom, he admired the elegant furnishings and the precious ornaments displayed on his shelves.

As he rose from bed and got dressed, putting on his finest attire, Wylan felt a sense of purpose and pride. He was destined for greatness, to continue his family's legacy, but also to lead Ketterdam with integrity and compassion. As he walked out of his bedroom and stepped into the grand hallways of the castle, he knew that the day ahead would be full of challenges and decisions.

But for now, he took a deep breath and basked in the majesty of his surroundings, ready to embrace the role that destiny had set out for him—the Prince of Ketterdam.

As Wylan walked down the grand hallway, his father Kaz Brekker, the King of Ketterdam, greeted him with a warm smile.

"Good morning, son," Kaz said, his usually stoic expression softened with pride. "I have some news for you."

Wylan's heart raced with anticipation and a hint of nervousness. He knew that Kaz was not one for small talk, so whatever he had to say had to be significant.

"I have arranged a marriage for you," Kaz said, his voice monotone.

"A marriage?" Wylan repeated, surprised and confused. He had never entertained the idea of marriage before, let alone an arranged one.

"Yes," Kaz continued, "with Jesper Fahey - you two have been friends for years, and it would be a union that would strengthen our alliance with his family."

Wylan's heart sank. He had always admired Jesper, but he had never thought of him as a potential lover, let alone a husband.

"Father, I don't know if that is a good idea," Wylan said, trying to mask the uncertainty in his voice. "Jesper and I are just friends, nothing more. I don't think I am ready for marriage."

Kaz raised an eyebrow, "Is that so? I thought you and Jesper had a connection that was more than just friendship."

Wylan shook his head, "No, we are only friends, and I am not sure if I could marry someone I don't love."

Kaz sighed, "I understand your concerns, but this alliance is necessary for our kingdom. Plus, Jesper is an excellent match for you. He is loyal, intelligent, and resourceful - qualities that will come in handy when you inherit the throne. Think about it, Wylan."

Feeling overwhelmed, Wylan excused himself and retreated to his bedroom. He sat on his bed, deep in thought, contemplating the choices ahead of him.

He knew that Jesper was a good friend and a valuable ally, but he couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life with him as his husband. However, he also knew that he had a duty to his kingdom and his family, and he couldn't ignore that.

Wylan decided he needed to talk to Jesper and get his opinion on the matter before he made any decisions.

Wylan called for Jesper to meet him in his study, and he quickly arrived at the door, knocking twice before entering.

"Hey, Wylan," Jesper said with a smile. "I heard your father arranged a marriage for you. Congratulations, I guess."

Wylan gave him a small smile in return, trying to hide his anxiety. "Yes, he has, and I wanted to get your opinion on this. Our fathers have arranged a marriage between us, but I am not so sure about this. I don't have any feelings for you other than friendship, and I don't think it's right to marry someone who you don't love."

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