Making Possibilities Happen

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Quick Disclaimer: this has got many trigger warnings and some of them include - Suicide, Emotional Abuses, Traumatic Events (Especially for Kaz), Intrusive Thoughts, Death of a loved one. If you don't feel comfortable reading, you're more than welcome to skip ahead to read the next part. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Crows were sitting in the Crows' Club, sitting around tables and benches. Jesper wasn't sitting near Wylan but noticed something was off with the smaller male by the scrunched up look on his face.

Kaz got up, and walked over to Wylan and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Come outside with me please, and talk to me, Wylan." Wylan got up, walking out of the Crows' Club with Kaz, and leaned against the wall.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I'm just not feeling good."

However, the conversation didn't seem to have gone well as when they returned, Wylan walked off and headed upstairs. Jesper turned to Kaz, his tone laced with indifference, asking him what was up with Wylan.

Kaz scowled at Jesper's tone. He knew the sharpshooter cared about Wylan more than he was letting on. "Wylan's not feeling well," he replied with a clipped tone.

Jesper raised an eyebrow. "That's it? He looked like he was about to have a nervous breakdown out there."

Kaz's scowl deepened, but he kept his emotions in check. "Wylan doesn't have to tell us everything that's bothering him. He knows we're here for him if he needs us."

Jesper shrugged nonchalantly. "I suppose. As long as he doesn't mess up on the job, I don't really care what's going on in his head."

Kaz narrowed his eyes, not liking Jesper's aloof attitude toward their friend.

Kaz's jaw clenched as he watched Jesper's nonchalant attitude towards Wylan's well-being. It was clear to him that Jesper had no idea how much Wylan meant to the team, and he had no patience for his cavalier attitude towards his friend. Ignoring Jesper's comment, Kaz stood up from the table and made his way towards the stairs, intent on checking on Wylan.

As he climbed up the stairs, the tension in his body was palpable. He could feel the anger and frustration simmering just beneath his skin, knowing all too well how much Jesper's indifference must have hurt Wylan. As he reached the top of the stairs, he hesitated for just a moment before walking towards Wylan's room.

But something wasn't right by the silence coming from his room.

As he pushed the door open, he noticed a note on the freshly made covers. His heart sank as he saw Wylan's familiar handwriting. His fears had come true.

Kaz read the note, his eyes darting across the page as he tried to make sense of what Wylan had written. It was a goodbye - a farewell to his friends and a confession that he didn't feel like he belonged in their world anymore. The words hit Kaz hard, and the tears that were sitting at the back of his eyes spilled over despite his best efforts to hold them back.

"No," Kaz whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "No, Wylan."

He sat there for a while, rereading the note and trying to piece together where Wylan could have gone. It was only when the sun began to set, and the shadows grew longer that Kaz pulled himself up. He knew that he had to find Wylan - he couldn't let him go. He had to save him one way or another..

Kaz's heart was racing as he searched the house for Wylan. He called for him, but there was no answer. Just when he was about to give up hope, Jesper walked upstairs and to Kaz.

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