Helping An Intoxicated Wylan

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It was Wylan's 21st birthday and the Crows were celebrating at the Crows' Club. Jesper and Wylan were sitting at the bar with Inej whilst Kaz was sitting in the corner, thinking of ideas for the next mission. Nina was on the dance floor, grinding up against Matthias, clearly drunk.

"Save it for the bedroom, Zenik!" Kaz yelled over the music which was blaring through the speakers and the song currently playing was Hotel Room Service by Pitbull.

"Oh don't be like that, Brekker. Just because Inej is a perfect innocent angel to dance with you, like this, doesn't mean you have to ruin the fun, especially for Wylan, come here birthday boy." She flashed a smile in Kaz's direction, and got off of Matthias, and held out her hand.

Wylan looked at Jesper, "Is this okay?"

"It's your birthday. I'm not here to control you, but I'll join you in a bit." Jesper told him, letting Wylan go. With a shrug, Wylan walked over to Nina, grabbing her hand, and she led him to the dance floor.

Wylan's heart swelled with gratitude as he returned to his friends at the bar after his dance with Nina. Jesper, noticing the elated expression on Wylan's face, couldn't help but smile in response.

"So, how was it?" Jesper asked, leaning in closer to Wylan.

"It was amazing!" Wylan's face lit up with excitement. "I never thought I'd enjoy dancing so much. Nina really knows how to have a good time."

Jesper chuckled, his eyes filled with adoration. "Well, my darling birthday boy, how about another dance? Just you and me this time?"

Wylan's excitement shifted into a mix of surprise and delight. He searched Jesper's eyes for sincerity, assuring himself that Jesper wasn't just teasing him. Finding nothing but genuine affection, Wylan nodded eagerly.

"I would love that, Jesper." Wylan agreed as the beginning beat for Let's Get Loud by Jennifer Lopez began playing in the background.

With a playful twinkle in his eyes, Jesper took Wylan's hand and led him back onto the dance floor. The pulsating music surrounded them as they began to move in sync, their bodies swaying to the rhythm.

It felt like time stood still as they twirled and spun together, their laughter blending with the beats of the music. Wylan felt an incredible surge of joy coursing through him, appreciating the freedom and happiness that came with being in Jesper's arms.

As they danced, the rest of the world faded away, leaving only the two of them in their own magical bubble. Wylan couldn't help but marvel at the way Jesper moved with such fluidity and grace, his energy contagious and infectious.

Wylan and Jesper's dance took on its own rhythm as they found themselves lost in each other's arms. They moved fluidly as if they were made for each other, their bodies twisting and turning in perfect harmony. Their dance moves started to get more intense and intricate, matching the crescendo of the music.

Their friends watched in awe as they moved with grace and passion, completely lost in the moment. Nina and Matthias had stopped grinding to watch the couple in admiration. Kaz had leaned back in his chair, mesmerised by the sight in front of him.

Jesper tucked a stray strand of hair behind Wylan's ear, pulling him close in a tight embrace. His warm breath tickled Wylan's neck, sending shivers down his spine. Wylan let out a soft moan, his fingers tracing the contours of Jesper's muscular back.

Their dance intensified, and Wylan found himself lost in the moment. The whole world faded away, leaving just Jesper, the pulsating music, and the euphoria of the moment.

Their movements became more electrifying; Wylan could feel his heart beating outside of his rib cage. Jesper spun Wylan around, pulling him into a dip. Wylan gasped, his heart pounding in his chest, and then they were back to the rhythm of their dance.

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