Remembering his childhood

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Quick message: this has got themes of abuse with Wylan and his father, scenes of Controlling Parents, Trauma, Assault, Abuse (meaning Physical and Verbal), Psychological abuse, Child Deprivation, Emotional Abuse. So if you don't like themes like this, you're more than welcome to read the other one shots I have.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wylan sat on the bed, staring at his hands as he wrung them together in his lap. He and Jesper had just come back from a Grisha mission in the northern borderlands, and he was exhausted both mentally and physically.

Jesper could tell something was off as he sat beside Wylan, taking his hand and rubbing gentle circles on his palm. "Wylan, what's going on?" he asked softly.

Wylan shook his head, biting his lip as he tried to keep the tears at bay. "I don't know, Jes. I've just been thinking about my childhood a lot lately."

Jesper's face softened, and he moved closer, his arm wrapping around Wylan's shoulder to bring him in for a comforting embrace. "We can talk about it if you want," he said.

Wylan took a deep breath and began to speak. "My father, Jan Van Eck, was always so critical of me. I couldn't ever do anything right in his eyes. He wanted me to be just like him - a ruthless businessman, heartless and driven by wealth and power."

Jesper's eyes widened in shock. He had never realized just how much Wylan's childhood had affected him. "That's terrible, Wylan. No one should ever have to feel like they're not good enough."

Wylan rested his head on Jesper's shoulder, taking comfort in the warmth of his body as he spoke. "And the worst part was, he took away the one thing that made me happy. He took away my music."

Jesper's eyes filled with sadness as he heard the pain in Wylan's voice. "That's just cruel, Wylan. How could he do that to you?"

Wylan shrugged, a tear trickling down his cheek. "He said it was a waste of time. He said I needed to focus on something more practical, like business or politics."

"And what did you do?" Jesper asked, genuinely curious.

"I stopped playing," Wylan said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I thought he was right. I thought maybe I was just being foolish. But now, looking back, I realize how much that hurt me. Music was my escape, my way of coping with everything that was going on. Without it, I felt lost, like a piece of me was missing."

Jesper squeezed Wylan's hand, giving him a small smile. "I'm sorry he made you feel that way, Wylan. But you're not that person anymore. You're not the scared, lonely boy your father made you feel like you were. You're brave, strong, and talented. You have all the love and support in the world from me and the rest of the Crows, including Kaz, he might not say it a lot, but he cares."

Wylan looked up at Jesper, his eyes filled with gratitude and hope. "Thank you, Jesper. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Jesper's smile widened, and he leaned in to kiss Wylan, his lips laced with all the love and comfort that Wylan needed. "You don't have to worry about that," he whispered. "I'm here for you, always."

Wylan felt the love and warmth of Jesper's kiss, and he knew he meant every word. Jesper had always been there for him, through every battle, every hardship, every fear, and every moment of joy.

Wylan leaned into him, his arms wrapped around Jesper's neck as they deepened the kiss. In that moment, Wylan's worries and fears melted away as he felt the strength of their bond.

Jesper pulled away, stroking Wylan's cheek. "You're so much more than your father's expectations, Wylan. You don't have to be anyone but yourself."

Wylan nodded, his eyes meeting Jesper's as he spoke. "I know, Jesper. But sometimes, it's hard to remember that."

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