The Storm Will Pass..

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Wylan's hands were shaking as he carefully measured out the chemicals he needed for the bombs. The smell of sulphur and ammonium nitrate filled the air, triggering a memory he had tried desperately to forget.

He remembered his father standing over him, a belt in hand, screaming at him for not being good enough.

The memory was so vivid, he could feel the sting of every blow as if it were happening again in real time. Wylan's breathing became laboured, and he stumbled backward until he hit the wall, sliding down to the cold, concrete floor.

As the tears streamed down his face, he hugged his knees to his chest, trying to wield the haunting images away. But the more he tried to fight them, the more they consumed him. He felt like he was suffocating, drowning in a sea of fear and despair.

Minutes passed, and Wylan didn't even notice the sound of the warehouse door opening. It was only when Jesper called out his name that he snapped back to reality. Wylan's eyes were red and puffy, and his breathing was still erratic as Jesper rushed over to him, dropping down beside him on the floor.

"Wylan, what happened?" Jesper asked, his voice full of concern.

But Wylan couldn't speak. He was too overwhelmed by the memories and emotions that still consumed him. Jesper didn't need an answer, though. He knew the signs of a flashback and knew that all Wylan needed was to be held.

So he enveloped Wylan in his arms, pulling him in close and holding him tightly as Wylan cried. Jesper stroked his hair and whispered words of comfort, telling him he was safe now and that he would protect him even when his past threatened to consume him.

Slowly but surely, Wylan began to calm down. His breathing evened out, and the shaking subsided. When he finally felt able to speak, he turned to Jesper and whispered, "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Jesper smiled tenderly and kissed the top of his head. "You don't have to do anything alone," he said. "I'm here for you, always."

Jesper helped Wylan to his feet, guiding him over to the makeshift bed he had set up in a corner of the warehouse. They sat down together, Wylan still held in Jesper's embrace, the warmth of their bodies providing comfort in the cold, empty space.

"What were you making, Wylan?" Jesper asked softly, encouraging him to talk about something less triggering.

Wylan took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering effects of the flashback. He focused on the present, on the chemicals and equipment scattered around them. "Phosphorus bombs," he replied, his voice still shaky, but steadier than before. "We need them for the plan, to create distractions and confusion."

Jesper listened attentively, his eyes never leaving Wylan's face. The pure love he felt for the vulnerable young man before him shone brightly in his gaze. Unwavering, he remained fully present, taking in every word, every expression that crossed Wylan's features.

"It's a dangerous business we're in," Wylan continued, his voice wavering slightly. "But I believe in what we're fighting for, Jes." He locked eyes with Jesper, the vulnerability in his own gaze mirrored by the unwavering strength he saw in Jesper's.

Jesper gently lifted a hand, his fingers tracing a line along Wylan's cheekbone, his touch feather-light. "I know, Wylan," he whispered, his voice filled with conviction. "And I believe in you. You're incredibly smart and talented, and together, we can make a difference."

Wylan's eyes welled up with tears again, but this time, they were tears of gratitude and relief. He leaned into Jesper's touch, seeking solace in the unconditional love that surrounded them.

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