Not Perfect For Him (Hogwarts AU)

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It was Fifth Year at Hogwarts and one small Hufflepuff, called Wylan Van Eck, was sitting in an empty compartment which he found until someone knocked on the door. Wylan looked to see who it was, and it was another fifth year student but a Ravenclaw, known as Jesper Fahey.

"Can I sit here?" Jesper asked. Wylan nodded, not wanting to say anything.

Jesper entered the compartment, dragging his trunk behind him and sat opposite Wylan. He flashed a friendly smile at Wylan, who responded with a small, hesitant smile in return.

"So, what brings you to this empty compartment, Wylan?" Jesper asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"I just wanted to be alone for a while," Wylan replied softly, looking down at his shoes.

Jesper noticed Wylan seemed uncomfortable and decided to change the topic. "I see you're in Hufflepuff. That's cool, I've always admired Hufflepuffs for their loyalty and kindness."

Wylan looked up, surprised that Jesper even knew about Hufflepuff's traits, but he felt at ease with Jesper's friendly approach.

"Thank you," Wylan replied, a small smile appearing on his face. "What classes are you taking this year?" Wylan asked, putting his book on the chair next to him.

"I'm taking the normal classes, and the other two I need to take are; Muggle Studies and Divination, you?"

"The Normal classes we've had since first year and Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures." Wylan replied, going slightly shy again.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you if you need me."

"Thanks, Jesper, right?"

"Yeah. If you see me with a group of people, they're called the Crows', they're names are Kaz, Inej, Nina and Matthias, so if you can't find me, go and find them, but I'll show you who they are when we get off of this train and to Hogwarts."

"That's okay." Wylan looked outside, and back at Jesper, his smile turning small and shy.

Jesper noticed the boy's smile. "I've seen you before Hogwarts, where are you from?"

"Ketterdam, I think I've seen you around."

"Wait, hold on.. You're Van Eck's son, aren't you?" Jesper asked, sitting up fully, his back leaning against the chairs.


"Oh Saints, I know who you are." Jesper said. Just then, there was a sudden knock on the compartment door and it opened to reveal Kaz.

He looked at the two boys sternly and spoke in a cold tone, "Jesper, leave the boy alone."

Jesper immediately sensed Kaz's seriousness and backed off, realising that he might have crossed a line. "Sure, my apologies," he said, trying to sound contrite.

Kaz nodded curtly and closed the door of the compartment, leaving the two boys inside.

"Sorry about him."

"It's okay." Wylan said, with a smile, and moved to get his trunk from over his head, and got his jumper but couldn't find it.

"What are you looking for?"

"My jumper to lay on." Wylan kept looking around for it but there was yet again, no luck. Jesper got up, and got the dark green material from under Wylan's book, and handed it to him.



Wylan yawned and leaned back against the train seat, the gentle rocking motion lulling him to sleep. Jesper watched him with fondness, admiring how peaceful he looked when he was asleep. For a moment, Jesper closed his eyes and tried to shake off the strange feelings stirring inside him.

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