Long day at work (Modern Wesper AU)

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On One cold winter evening, Jesper returned home from work to find no sign of his boyfriend, Wylan. Closing the door behind him, Jesper called out for Wylan, hanging his top hat on the hook. Growing concerned when he received no response, Jesper called out once more, but was met with only silence.

Clicking on the kettle in the kitchen, Jesper heard the front door open and looked up to see Wylan entering the house. "Jesper, are you home?" Wylan's calm voice filled the kitchen.

"In the kitchen! I've just got in," Jesper called back. Wylan walked into the kitchen, leaned against the counter, and extended his hands for Jesper to hold.

Jesper approached Wylan, standing between his spread legs. "How was work?" he asked, resting his head on Wylan's shoulder and closing his eyes.

"Long, but I'm glad you're here now," Jesper replied. Wylan wrapped his arms around Jesper's tired frame and said, "Come on, sleepy head. Go rest on the sofa. Would you like some tea?"

"Yeah, please," Jesper replied, walking out of the space between Wylan's legs and heading to their bedroom. Once he was comfortable, he returned downstairs and settled onto the sofa. Wylan approached with two cups of tea, placing them on the coffee table in front of Jesper. He joined Jesper on the sofa and raised his arm.

Jesper slid down, resting his head on Wylan's lap, and looked up at him with a small, tired smile. "Is this okay?" Jesper inquired, making sure Wylan was comfortable with the arrangement.

"It's okay. If it was anyone else, let's say Kaz, I'd be uncomfortable. But with you, I'm comfortable," Wylan assured him, tracing a finger gently over Jesper's cheek.

"I see. And it's okay if you want me to get off," Jesper offered, starting to sit up, but Wylan gently guided him back down.

"Shh, I'm fine with you lying like this," Wylan reassured him, running his fingers through Jesper's hair. "Why don't you rest for five minutes? I'll go change and bring the duvet down."

"You don't have to bring the duvet down," Jesper protested.

"Shh, love. We're going to cuddle under it with a film on, and you can choose," Wylan insisted.

"Hmm, maybe a Christmas film?" Jesper suggested, pulling away from Wylan's lap and sitting up on the other side of the sofa.

"Of course. But first, let me grab dinner. Do you have any preferences?" Wylan asked, getting up from the sofa.

"Anything is okay, but I need to eat something to take my ADHD medication," Jesper replied.

"Right, you do. I already took your car keys. They're on the table," Wylan informed him.

"Okay." Wylan walked over to the kitchen countertop, retrieved Jesper's car keys, and leaned down to give him a soft kiss on the mouth. "I'll see you in a bit."

"See you in a bit, love," Jesper responded. Wylan left through the front door, and Jesper headed upstairs to the bedroom. He fetched the duvet from their bed and brought it downstairs.

When Wylan returned, he walked through the kitchen and found Jesper curled up on the sofa, snug under the duvet. He placed the bags down and knelt beside Jesper, gently stroking his cheek to wake him up. Jesper's eyes fluttered open.

"Sorry, I fell asleep," Jesper apologized.

"It's okay. After this, we'll relax on the sofa together, and you can go back to sleep," Wylan assured him, extending his hand. Jesper got up and walked with Wylan to the kitchen.

After dinner, as Jesper made his way back to the living room, Wylan followed behind him. Jesper settled onto the sofa and lifted his arm, inviting Wylan to lie with him. Wylan redirected Jesper, guiding him to lie on his other side instead. He positioned himself behind Jesper, wrapping his arms around Jesper's waist and pulling him in close.

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