The new professor..

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As Wylan made his way to the Great Hall for his final year at Hogwarts, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. It seemed like only yesterday that he was eagerly waiting for his letter to arrive, and yet seven years had passed. He adjusted his Hufflepuff robes to ward off the morning chill when he heard whisperings about a new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor.

Wylan was lost in thought until he heard footsteps approaching him. He looked up to see his best friend, Inej Ghafa, bounding towards him, her Gryffindor robes trailing behind her.

"Wylan! I've missed you!" Inej exclaimed, throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace.

"It feels like it's been ages, Inej," Wylan remarked, grinning at his friend.

Inej linked her arm with Wylan's and pulled him along towards the Great Hall. "Guess what? There's a new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor this year! He's apparently young, handsome, and pureblooded."

Wylan raised an eyebrow in interest. "Interesting. I liked Professor Johnson, though. Why did he retire?"

Inej shrugged. "I have no clue. But don't worry, I'm sure the new Professor will be just as good. In fact, you should have been asked to teach, Wylan," Inej ribbed him playfully.

They walked into the Great Hall, taking their respective seats at the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tables.

As the last of the students filed into the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall took centre stage, clearing her throat to address the student body.

"Good Evening, students. I hope you are all well-rested and excited for the start of another year at Hogwarts," she began, before gesturing towards the Professor's table.

"As some of you may already know, we have a new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor joining us this year. Please give a warm welcome to Professor Jesper Fahey."

The students erupted into applause as Jesper stood up, wearing his dark green robes and looked around at the students. Wylan couldn't take his eyes off of Jesper, feeling his heart skip a beat.

He felt Inej nudge him from behind, and he turned to see her grinning at him teasingly. "Looks like our new Professor has caught your eye, Wylan."

Wylan felt his cheeks flush as he tried to deny it, but couldn't help but steal glances at Jesper while Professor McGonagall continued to speak.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kaz looking over at him from the Slytherin table, a knowing expression on his face. Wylan looked away, feeling embarrassed at being caught out.

He turned back to Jesper, who was now talking animatedly with some other professors at the table, but their eyes met for a few moments, causing Wylan's heart to race.

Jesper looked away first, but not before flashing Wylan a small smile, causing him to blush even deeper.

As the meal began, Wylan tried to focus on his food and conversations with Inej and the other Hufflepuffs, but he couldn't help but feel distracted by Jesper's presence at the Professor's table.

He stole a few more glances throughout the meal, but tried to avoid looking too obviously, knowing that Kaz and Inej would tease him mercilessly if they caught on.

As dinner drew to a close, Wylan couldn't help but wonder what the year ahead would bring, with Jesper as their new Professor.

The next day, Wylan felt both excited and nervous for his first Defence Against the Dark Arts class with Professor Jesper Fahey.

As he entered the classroom, he took a deep breath and looked around nervously. Inej sat down next to him, smiling quietly before they both turned their attention to the front of the classroom.

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