Those Sick Days

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Jesper wakes up one morning to the sound of shuffling and rustling. He turns and tries to go back to sleep. He groggily opens his eyes to find Wylan pacing back and forth in his pyjamas, biting his bottom lip whilst looking up worriedly every 5 seconds.

Jesper pushed himself up to a sitting position, and rubbed his eyes to clear the morning blur.

"Wylan, sunshine?" He called his name, concern evident in his voice. Wylan paused for a second, and looked like a deer trapped in headlights or a young child who got his hand caught in the cookie jar.

Wylan snapped out of it and then tried to remember, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He replied and Jesper shook his head, patting the side of the sheets near him, gesturing to Wylan to sit down. Wylan sighed as he let himself sink into the bed to sit beside him.

Jesper moved to sit behind Wylan and ran his fingers through his hair, lightly massaging the area which gave him relief. "What's wrong?" He asked in a soft murmur.

Wylan stiffened at the question and then shook his head, "Nothing," came his reply.

Jesper rolled his eyes, "Wylan, we've been married for two years." He watched as Wylan looked down and traced his wedding band with a small smile on his face. Jesper wrapped his arms around his shoulders and let his hands drop to cover Wylan's.

"What's on your mind, lovely?" He asked, "You can tell me if you're feeling sick, I won't judge you, love."

Wylan turned his head and leaned back into Jesper's chest, resting his head on his chest, "I am feeling a bit sick."

"Have you had any water?" Jesper asked and Wylan nodded.

Wylan swallowed deeply, looking at Jesper, "I did try, but it came back up."

"Okay, sweetie, let me make you some Ginger Tea, I know it doesn't taste very nice but it'll help your nausea." Jesper laid Wylan on his side, and walked in their en-suite bathroom in their bedroom and went into the cupboard and got the sick bucket out and walked over to Wylan, putting it down next to him in case Wylan needed it.

Jesper ascended the stairs with a warm mug of ginger tea in his hand. When he reached their bedroom, he found Wylan still seated in the same spot where Jesper had left him. Placing the mug on the bedside table, Jesper slipped back into bed, enveloping Wylan in his arms.

"Here you go, love," Jesper murmured, guiding Wylan's hands to the mug. "Drink it while it's still hot. It'll soothe your stomach."

Gratefully, Wylan leaned against Jesper, cradling the mug in his hands, the fragrant steam wafting up into the air. Jesper positioned himself upright, providing Wylan a supportive space to lean on as they sat together.

They stayed like that for a while, the room enveloped in a comforting silence. Jesper gently stroked Wylan's arm, his touch radiating safety and understanding. Wylan took small sips of the ginger tea, allowing its warmth to fill his body and soothe his unsettled stomach.

As Wylan drank, Jesper whispered softly, "You're not alone, Wylan. I'm right here, and I'll take care of you. Just lean on me and let yourself relax."

Wylan nodded, a breathless sigh escaping his lips. Closing his eyes, he let the ginger tea work its magic, the mixture of warmth and healing properties offering solace to his unsettled tummy. Knowing he was in capable hands, Wylan found himself gradually succumbing to a sense of calm.

Jesper continued to hold Wylan close, their bodies entwined and their connection unwavering. They remained in perfect harmony, feeling the pressures of the world outside their bedroom dissipate as their love and support enveloped them both.

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